The Honey Factory

Some one inspects your hives?
NY has a small inspection program that mostly checks on commercial/migratory beekeepers to help stop the spread of AFB (so frames have to be removable). I'm not sure how affective they are. I know beekeepers that don't get inspected when shipping hives back from the south in the spring. It was a larger program years ago but like all things NY became corrupt and dysfunctional. There's no mandatory registration in NY and it will probably stay that way. Most beekeepers are against it. Hobbyists can request an inspection if they are unsure about what they are seeing in their hives. Personally I've never had them inspect any of my hives. I attended a seminar that included a presentation from a NY inspector and honestly I wasn't impressed at all. In the unlikely event I had a hive with AFB I know what to do.
I'm getting my 1st 2 packages mid April. I skipped a lot of the middle. I read you were not going to over winter at the beginning. How's it going now. Overwintering or not.
I tried over wintering. One hive is dead. Not sure of the other, this 3 weeks of sub zero temps is going to be hard on them I think.
Looks like the last hive didn't survive this last cold spell. I opened the hive. All I see are dead bees and no movement. I touched a few and they are still soft as if they just died.
Sorry to hear. ? How many hives do you keep? The bee's should bee used to the cold up there, unlike our rare southern current situation. (I know it's cold across the US the last 2 weeks) Still makes you upset or it would me to see the last hive go.

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