The Honey Factory

My bees are still in the box I put them in last night.

Maybe I got the queen into the box somehow.. :fl

I took 25 frames to be spun out. I did not get them all spun out.

My “mentor” who owns the extractor told me I should not spin out the deeps. He said to keep those and give them back to the bees this fall for over wintering. I think that is good advice.

I had some frames I was going to make cut comb out of, and tried to spin them out…. That was a failure. No more cut comb or at least not as many.

I also had 10 frames in some of my honey supers. He decaps with a hot knife. No more 10 frame honey supers. They make nice looking cut comb but were hard to decap.

I have about 8-10 frames I need to crush the honey out, and drain, or make cut comb,

I had already bought wax covered plastic foundation for those frames. I will be putting it in those frames. I think I will only keep one or two cut comb frames a year from now on.

So much to learn about bees and honey.

He thinks I should try to find the queen in the swarm hive, kill her and reunite the hive. He said or try to reunite the hive and let the queens fight it out.

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