The Honey Factory

I never knew what qualified as "raw" honey.
Technically "raw honey" is not supposed to be filtered or heated but it can be filtered as long as the mesh is not too fine. It is not supposed to be heated either. Honey that has been heated above 160°F is no longer honey because any higher temperatures change the composition of the sugars that make it honey.
I couldn't find my food safe grease last year. I needed to lube the extractor before I was done this year. During an interlude from hunting for it, I looked up what it is going for now. I decided to increase my search efforts. I found it where it had fallen down behind some boxes.

I am really glad I bought a whole tube of it around 30 years ago after I saw the current prices. I should never run out as long as I make sure I know where I put it. This time I put it in the first place I started looking for it.

Got the extractor cleaned, lubed and put away. Hopefully it will be needed again next year.

Still have some honey left to bottle. It would be going faster but it is cold here today. Hope to be done packaging it tomorrow..

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