The Honey Factory

My husband made the updates I requested to my long hive. I plan on putting my new package that is scheduled to come this week in it.
I wanted to cover the screened bottom board for a while, so he put the insert on.
I wanted to have more space on the frames so I wouldn't smash so many bees. I come up with the screened top boards, this way we didn't have to take off the whole lid and reattach, fill in holes, etc.
Last year I came up with the idea of attaching a bunch of boardman feeders together to be able to feed inside the long hive. We tried the frame feeder but too many bees got stuck in it and died.
We put in an additional entrance hole in the back, and I have several frames of drawn-out comb.
Hopefully with these modifications they will live and thrive in our long hive.





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