The Honey Factory

Hive set up and waiting nuc arrival this weekend. I built 2 deep bodies out of 2x lumber.

I am thinking of buying a new queen and making a nuc. Any thoughts on that? It would save me a couple weeks of hatching one,
I will tell how I did mine . I took 3 frames of brood put them in a deep with drawn comb from a dead out . Put a queen excluder on top of my strongest hive and put the new brood chamber on top . Nurse bees come up to cover the brood . A day or 2 later I set this new hive on a bottom board plus inner and top cover . 24 hours later I added my new queen . So nurse bees accept a new queen easier as do queen less hives . Coming up on three weeks this coming week . Nice weather predicted so I will open them up to check .

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