The Honey Factory

I've had Bees for years and I've never once used a level. 🤔 We have difficult Winters here, so there is a fine line with venting a hive in the Winter and keeping sealed enough so the Bees can heat it. Every single year the price goes up, even before this administration destroyed the U.S. Economy.
I use a level to make sure my stands are slightly higher in the back so that any water or condensation will run out of the front of the hive.
I went into my hives today.

I was going to skip the full suit, but they seem upset with me. So I put it on.

Once I got it on they were happy, maybe it was my black tee shirt they didn’t like.

The hives looked good. More drone cells than I like to see. Also they are sloppy bees, I cleaned up a bunch of junk comb.

The patterns aren’t bad, good amount of brood capped and uncapped. The pollen Pattie’s are about gone, I gave each hive three junk frames of honey. Put a drone frame in each hive, and moved some brood into the top box.

I added the boxes today. I also scrapped off some drone cells that would cause me grief this fall.

They have enough brood and nurse maids I think I can make another hive. I will buy a queen next week and start another, I think.

My pears are about to blossom so they should expand rapidly soon. I need to fix my fence, but I have 14,000 other things I need to do too.

I am thinking about becoming a Fundamentalist Mormon so I can get 4-5 more women to work around here for free.

Here are so hive photos. You can see they devoured the protein patty.

Hives look so much better when they are 2 stories or more.

These guys look darker and smaller than my Canooks did.

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