The Honey Factory

I haven't seen any this year, but I usually see a bumblebee mimic robber fly eating a bee in my apiary once or twice in the summer. They eat very few bees and dont have any impact on colony population. I think their life cycle ends about July. I did get a photo of one, they're tough looking. I like them.


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I haven't seen any this year, but I usually see a bumblebee mimic robber fly eating a bee in my apiary once or twice in the summer. They eat very few bees and dont have any impact on colony population. I think their life cycle ends about July. I did get a photo of one, they're tough looking. I like them.
I saw a totally normal one on the front porch yesterday.
Worked bees today.
Lang hive, slow Carnis. We saw the queen, eggs, larva, capped brood.
Long hive, Georgia Italians. We didn't see queen or eggs. Just capped brood. They have a ton of room, but they seem to not be able to figure the long hive out. They keep staying at the east end. They probably swarmed. Saw some queen caps that looked like they were dismantling.
I put some empty frames on the outsides and in between the honey and brood frames.
I can see that there isn't going to be any honey for me this year, but I figured that.
I spun out my medium and shallow frames today. The bees seem to think they should take the honey back.

I have a screen on the front of my sugar shack, the old garage I do honey and syrup in. The screen was solid bees.

I got about 8 gallons of honey.
So how is your queen less hive ? Requeened from queen cells ?
So how is your queen less hive ? Requeened from queen cells ?
I saw her a few weeks ago. She is doing great.

Or was it’s time to go into the hive again. I also gave some brood to a neighbor that had lost her queen. She had a mess. The workers were piling honey comb everywhere in no order.

She had no brood at all. I have to check and see if hers made a queen.

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