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chickisoup, years ago, when I met current Dh, he had two cats of his own, so he was used to litter box duty. DD #3 was working as a vet tech. Someone had dumped a litter of kittens on their doorstep, so she adopted one of them. Within a month, she could not take care of it, so she gave it to her sister, DD #2. Within a month, DD #2 moved in with me, and Dh. DD #2 had all the food, food bowls, toys, litter box etc., and tried keeping the kitten in the room. Oh, the kitten would not drink water from a bowl. She would jump on the bathroom sink, and drink from the tap. Between her job, and spending time with her boyfriend, DD was rarely home, and only sleeping at our place. I began letting the kitten out of the room when DD would go to work.

From the moment the cat and I met, she knew she was mine. I knew it too, but no one else did, and I couldn't just take my daughter's kitten away from her. In a couple months, DD #2 got her own place, and moved, taking her kitten. I told her to be honest with herself, and if she found she had no time for the kitten, to bring it back to me. A few weeks later, she called. She was rarely home, the kitten was miserable, and had gotten very destructive. She gave me the kitten. When she brought the kitten back to me, Emma (the kitten) was so happy to see me, and to be back. When DD got ready to leave, she wanted to say bye to the kitten. When she reached for Emma, the kitten took off, and hid under the bed. For about a year, anytime DD would come over, Emma would hide from her. It took quite awhile for Emma to realize that DD was never going to take her away. We bought a pet fountain for the cats, so Emma could drink from running water.

When I was going through chemo, they asked me about my animals. Like you, I was not allowed to clean the litter box. It didn't really matter, since Dh did it most of the time anyway. When Emma returned, she had her own litter box, but in a very short time, she began using the one the other two cats were using. I went to Home Depot, and got one of the black, square, plastic containers they use for mixing concrete. They're the perfect size for a multi cat family. Funny thing, I was allowed to tend the chickens, and clean the coop, but not the cat box. Dh still cleans the cat box.
We enter through garage.

Lost power at 3 am.
I know you have wood for heating, but do you have water when you lose power? We don't since we have a well and no generator. We have a fire place that can keep the main living area heated but not having water is what I hate about our power going out.
Latestarter, I too made my kids take at least 1 bite of whatever food was on their plate. They didn't have to eat a whole serving of something they hated, but they did have to eat 1 bite. One of my daughters hated peas. She would actually shudder, when she would put them on her spoon, to get that 1 bite down. I got to where I rarely fixed peas. One day, I grabbed a couple cans of Le Sueur peas, and fixed them. When she took her bite of them, she liked them. From then on, that's the only peas I cooked.

My grandson was allowed to pick, and choose, but I enforced my 1 bite rule when he came over. Because of it, he's surprised himself quite a few times, and liked things he didn't think he would. He's not nearly so picky now.
As you know, Florida gets hit with some pretty good storms, and hurricanes, so it's not unusual to be without power for up to 3 weeks. At my old house, I had no backup generator, so without power, water was an issue. We put in 3 of these. We got them one at a time, with income tax return money. That ensured that I had 300 gallons of good water, even if the power went out.

Now, in our new home, I'm looking at this type, since they are more readily available here, at a good price. They use them a lot here for orange juice. Used ones go for about $100.00. I thought about hooking it into the line going to the coop. That way the water would be used, and replaced with fresh water, on a steady basis, so it doesn't stagnate.
Just read where the east coast is getting slammed with storms. Stay safe everyone.

We have friends here who bought a modular home. It's all electrical down to the heating system. I remember them giving us a tour and taking us to the basement so we could see the wiring system. After a moment, DH ventured to ask them what they were using as a back up for heat when the power went out. We had owned property near them and had noted that the power got 'touchy' every time there was a storm rolling through. They admitted they hadn't given that a thought at first when they bought the modular. They couldn't put a wood burning stove in it. I think they finally decided on getting a generator as back up power to run their heating should we get an ice storm. We do get a lot of ice storms here especially in early winter. I hate that as I am forever puting up and taking down the netting over the chicken runs.

Gloomy here today. There is rain around us and the temp is 45. I don't think it's due to get out of the 40s which is a big swing in the opposite direction from last week when the temps were in the 70s.

Tis the season.
Just read where the east coast is getting slammed with storms. Stay safe everyone.

We have friends here who bought a modular home. It's all electrical down to the heating system. I remember them giving us a tour and taking us to the basement so we could see the wiring system. After a moment, DH ventured to ask them what they were using as a back up for heat when the power went out. We had owned property near them and had noted that the power got 'touchy' every time there was a storm rolling through. They admitted they hadn't given that a thought at first when they bought the modular. They couldn't put a wood burning stove in it. I think they finally decided on getting a generator as back up power to run their heating should we get an ice storm. We do get a lot of ice storms here especially in early winter. I hate that as I am forever puting up and taking down the netting over the chicken runs.

Gloomy here today. There is rain around us and the temp is 45. I don't think it's due to get out of the 40s which is a big swing in the opposite direction from last week when the temps were in the 70s.

Tis the season.
Can you replace your netting with welded wire? Safer that way and should stand up to ice.

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