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[COLOR=FF0000]Hoping everyone is staying warm this morning [/COLOR]

[COLOR=FF0000]It's a "toasty" -25 F without the windchill here right now but we are blessed to power, heat and no frozen pipes[/COLOR]:love

Geez, guess I shouldn't whine about -18!
In-laws have had no power since 2am... They have a wood stove but water froze, old double wide.
I don't think our water would freeze with a cellar and if it did much easier to thaw out.
Chicki, how do you do it? Single digits here and everything hurts when I go outside.
We just do a lot of "inside" when it gets this crunchy. Most of the time we know it's coming so you just do the outside things ahead of time like plugging in the car, loading the chicken feeders, etc., then hybernate until the sun comes out. Oh and be sure you have firewood INSIDE the house, just in case. Frozen solid wood doesn't burn very well. Worst on the pup but she has learned when she has to do her "business" really fast. When she was younger she wasn't as smart and she would kind of freeze up and couldn't figure out how to hold all four paws up at once and we would have to go get her
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Geez, guess I shouldn't whine about -18!
In-laws have had no power since 2am... They have a wood stove but water froze, old double wide.
I don't think our water would freeze with a cellar and if it did much easier to thaw out.
That is really a bummer. I HATE when that happens! The power company finally came thru last year and buried a lot of the power lines so we don't lose power nearly as often now. Ony lost power once this winter for a few hours. HUGE improvement.

Hope your in-laws are doing ok. It is a major pain when the pipes freeze. We learned our lesson and now have two generators sitting on the back porch. One is dedicated for the well pump so we can keep the pipes flowing.

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