The Silkie Challenge! Thoughts on gender of these two birds


5 Years
May 21, 2019
Central Valley California
i realize they are a bit young but here are Butternut (white) and Squash (black). Butternut is the younger of the two at 8 Weeks, and this bird has done some play fighting with my sebright cockerel. Comb is just a single small ridge poking up for now. It is inquisitive and scratches and forages with the bigger birds.

Squash is a big fluffy ball of chill that is ambiguous to just about everything and does its own thing. Squash is 12 weeks old and has a flat round comb. This bird did peck at a new pullet for a quick minute when they were introduced, but hasnt fought with cockerels or made any other moves.

I will be sure to keep updating in the biweekly and of course I wont keep track of the scorecard.
Again, totally impressed!! I was under the impression these silkies were gonna keep me guessing for a while. Not too surprised bout Butternut but Squash im going to hold out hope that he/she was having a bad hair day.

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