The Waltons or Little House On The Prairie?

Chickaroo! :

I even have the theme song downloaded on my cell phone!

Beat that!!

Where in the world did you find that!! I HAVE to know! I HAVE to have it too!!!​

I never got into The Waltons, because it is set at the wrong time period for me (the 1940's). I much prefer old west stuff, as I live right near the Oregon Trail (it is the cross road to our road). There are still a few old log cabins out here, decaying and beautiful, where white people first settled, there's some rusty farm equipment resting out in fields, and lots of old wagon wheels at entrances to farms. The hills are golden, the sky is bright blue, and the oak trees have that distinct olivey brown color. Our valley looks EXACTLY like set for Little House on the Prairie.
Little House on the Prairie!!! I loved it as a child and still love it today. Now, I watch it with my 3 daughters. I never get tired of the re-runs.
I never watched the show, but I have all the Little House series books, courtesy of wonderful grandparents who, despite living too far away to ever see while growing up, never forgot to send a book on birthdays and long, juicy letters all the rest of the year. I loved those letters, they were almost like reading a new Little House book. My grandparents made everything. Clothing, furniture, every meal from scratch . . . they were too poor for any other option, but they seemed so much happier, and more filled with purpose, than anyone I've ever met. A few years ago I managed to arrange a visit, but before I could go my grandmother died of Crohn's disease. I was heartbroken that I never managed to meet this wonderful woman who had made me admire and love her with every stroke of her pen. Since then I have visited my grandfather, and the only bad part of that visit was it deepened my sadness that I couldn't have grown up with such wonderful people. He still lives in the two bedroom house they raised their four children in, and my heart caught in my throat when I saw, hanging over my grandmother's side of the bed, untouched since her death, a locket with my picture in it. I was given that locket before coming away. It now hangs above my bed, a first grade picture of me and an added picture of my grandmother, in the middle of a beautiful laugh.
Besides chickens, my paternal grandparents passed along a love of gardening through their letters. I grow almost all of our household veggies. I keep some rabbits for meat. The only reason I never kept chickens for meat before now, despite the fact that I love chicken, is that I get so attached to birds. Rabbits kinda irritate me, so I never had a problem eating the ones I raise. I had sheep, but my mother inherited them for the little while that we have to live in town, and by the way she talks I rather doubt I'll be getting my sheep back
I pickle and can alot, and am trying to glean as much baking knowledge I can from my maternal grandmother. I can cook well, but baking is so aggravating to me that I tend to botch everything out of sheer exasperation. I'm much more patient with my needlework, though it is by no means professional looking. We do alot of backpacking, which means tons of experimentation with outdoor cooking and gathering of wild food to supplement the basics we put in our packs. I'd like to think I'm more self sufficient than several, but I very much doubt I could do as well as my grandparents did, let alone Charles, Caroline, and their family.
One thing that always irritated me about those books is that Charles gives in to Caroline's insistence that they live near a town. As far as I'm concerned, that's grounds for annulment
Oh, fowltemptress, you made me cry with that wonderful, but heartbreaking story. I only got to know one of my grandparents, my maternal grandmother, and she passed away when I was 8. Your grandparents sound like the salt of the Earth. What a wonderful gift that you got to see your grandmother's testament of love for you in that locket.

A few years ago I managed to arrange a visit, but before I could go my grandmother died of Crohn's disease.

I'm so sorry that you never got a chance to visit your grandmother before she died
That was so sad!​
WOW MissPrissy! I'm impressed!
I used to be crafty and try and do most of these things myself, but then I embarked on my homeschool adventure and all crafts (adult crafts
) and homemade items stopped abruptly! I do love to cook and still do a lot of cooking!

I'm quite sure that you could cook anything you want in a dutch oven. We love ours! That's one of my kids favorite things about going camping. We do a lot of dutch oven cooking when we camp. Dutch oven cobbler is the best!

I also grew up with The Little House on the Prairie and The Walton's. Very good shows! My favorite was always The Little House on the Prairie though.

Thanks for sharing your wonderful story and talents with us all MissPrissy! You are one talented woman!
My Mom loved the Waltons when she was yonger!!! When she was pregent she must have watched it alot. That is where she got my name from... Livia named from the Mom on the Waltons.

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