Walking with Chickens; Watching them grow

where do you live? I am in northern Iowa, and the average lows for this time of year is 30-40'. the highs are upper 60's and lower 70's. I'm assuming that is too cold?
the current temp in the brooder is 70-75*.
These little guys are tougher than most people give them credit. You have to think about how the Mama hen takes care of her babies. Supply what she supplies and everything will be just fine. If there is enough chicks, they get into a chick pile and keep themselves nice and toasty. Next time you see your chicks piled up at night, stick your hand under them. Its Hot! If you have a nice draft free coop with some good deep litter, they can keep themselves pretty warm at night. If it gets real cold, you can always put a heat lamp in the coop for them. They don't need the entire coop to be heated. They just need a warm spot it the coop somewhere if temps get dangerously cold.(freeze warnings). As soon as they are feathered the light will no longer needed even in the freezing weather.
These little guys are tougher than most people give them credit. You have to think about how the Mama hen takes care of her babies. Supply what she supplies and everything will be just fine. If there is enough chicks, they get into a chick pile and keep themselves nice and toasty. Next time you see your chicks piled up at night, stick your hand under them. Its Hot! If you have a nice draft free coop with some good deep litter, they can keep themselves pretty warm at night. If it gets real cold, you can always put a heat lamp in the coop for them. They don't need the entire coop to be heated. They just need a warm spot it the coop somewhere if temps get dangerously cold.(freeze warnings). As soon as they are feathered the light will no longer needed even in the freezing weather.

Plus mine have had full access to the run from day 1. They know when they are cold & how to snuggle together for warmth.
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wow I put mine in a dog crate with a 75w light bulb. for now day and night, they are around 2 weeks old.
How old do the have to be to get bugs and treets? Its funny to watch them chase a nat, or small moth .
wow I put mine in a dog crate with a 75w light bulb. for now day and night, they are around 2 weeks old.
How old do the have to be to get bugs and treets? Its funny to watch them chase a nat, or small moth .
I usually put 2 week olds outside. They can find their own bugs and grit . Or if you find a nice juicy worm or grub, give it to them and watch the fiasco. At 3 weeks old I introduced mine to meal worms. That's their favorite
These little guys are tougher than most people give them credit. You have to think about how the Mama hen takes care of her babies. Supply what she supplies and everything will be just fine. If there is enough chicks, they get into a chick pile and keep themselves nice and toasty. Next time you see your chicks piled up at night, stick your hand under them. Its Hot! If you have a nice draft free coop with some good deep litter, they can keep themselves pretty warm at night. If it gets real cold, you can always put a heat lamp in the coop for them. They don't need the entire coop to be heated. They just need a warm spot it the coop somewhere if temps get dangerously cold.(freeze warnings). As soon as they are feathered the light will no longer needed even in the freezing weather.

when i saw this, i had to laugh....This is what i have been saying all along, but now i am just scared, i don't wanna let my babies go outside...
but they will be happier.
My chicks are getting bored with plain food. Can I get them some crickets from a petstore?
Atleast if one does escape the beek of death, I would love to hear the cricket cherpping..

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