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I've tried multiple times to edit my personal detail, and add my location. When I try to save the changes, I get a pop up that says there is an error, and I have to fill out all required there a solution?
I've tried multiple times to edit my personal detail, and add my location. When I try to save the changes, I get a pop up that says there is an error, and I have to fill out all required there a solution?
Sorry you are still having trouble!

Did you try clearing your cache in the browser?

Sometimes a different browser or platform works better too. ie: Firefox instead for Chrome; a laptop instead of a phone
I've tried multiple times to edit my personal detail, and add my location. When I try to save the changes, I get a pop up that says there is an error, and I have to fill out all required there a solution?
Are there empty fields?
Let me go take a look and see what it says.....
Yes, pretty much all the fields are empty, but I did fill a lot of it out when I created the account on the old BYC. It should let me change whichever field I choose. I don't want put a status message, etc..
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