What did you do in the garden today?

We ran out of frozen green beans a couple months ago.

I'm hoping to get some things in the garden this weekend. We are definitely planning to grow more green beans. Last year I had to replant because I think the ants were killing them, has anyone heard of that? Anyway, I sprayed the replanted green bean seedlings, and they were fine.
Never had ants attack plants. I see many on my Peonies, but I've heard that's a good thing. Some sure like attacking me though! 🐜 European Fire Ants...those little Ba$!@rd$!
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I need something invasive around the fence. goji berry is on top of my list.

snakes are coming out so irrigation system on the last part of my plot has to wait. we expect another rainy and cold day so gardening has been postponed too. 6 goslings hatched, muscovie ducklings should be hatched these days so I am busy.
Wow I had no idea Goji berry was invasive. I only bought 1 plant & I planted it at the end of a row of raspberries across the back of my lot. I'm wondering if I should move it to a place where it can spread out a lot...let it take its natural course. I think I may do that. I don't mind something that will spread along the one side of the property here because right now there's nothing...we only planted the Green Giants down 1 side. This place is still a work in progress lol. Many ideas & "to do" lists. Thanks for letting me know, because I definitely shouldn't have planted it where I did if it wants to spread out.
As the squash grows I will cut excess leaves and continue to wrap it to at least 12" from the ground. It really helped deter squash vine borers last year, was great to have more than a couple Summer squash fruits before the plants wilted.
Thanks for this information. I might need it for the zucchini I'm going to plant this year.
Wow I had no idea Goji berry was invasive.
Mine never grew very well. It eventually died. The berries are supposed to be very nutritious.
The rain has stopped. We may get some scattered storms late tonight or early tomorrow. Highs in the low 60’s today then a little cooler over the weekend. Today I’ll be planting the black turtle beans then start cleaning and tilling the garden on the back slope. I’m planting green beans and summer squash up there. Potatoes are all growing well. The sugar snap peas and lettuce are doing well. I’ll need to put some strings up for the peas soon. It looks like we may get a stretch of dry weather next week. Fingers crossed 🤞.
Hi everyone. It’s been an intense couple of weeks for us with getting the coop and run livable for our new girls. Some of my seedlings were starting to look pretty sad. Everything for cooler weather crops went out over the last 2 weeks. All I have left is my warmer weather veggies (squashes, cucumbers, watermelons, tomatoes, and pumpkins). Those will go out when they’re a little bigger and it’s a tad warmer.

I have some potatoes I still haven’t put out and I need to do that. It’s a little late for those but I figure what’s the harm in planting.

Today I have to finish putting down the top soil and mulch around the coop, fill my grow bags, and start on some perennials, herbs, and flowers.
Do y'all save your nasturtium seeds? It must be easy enough, no?

Got 2 more loads of wood chips this am. Cloudy out, threatening to rain.

My borage is coming up now. :yesss: I need some flowers for the bees, I don't think my strawberries are getting pollinated. My transplanted clematis is doing so good, I didn't think it would survive the move but it looks great!
As I was gathering supplies to do the chicken tending I came across the box I put the fingerling potatoes in. After I took care of the chickens I took some compost over to the 2 big planters near the old chicken yard and planted the purple and red fingerling potatoes. I need to fill a grow bag or two to plant the white ones. After breakfast and coffee I’ll get busy planting the black beans.
Here in Illinois they say we can plant storage potatoes until June. I usually have them all planted by mid April. But I forgot I ordered some from Maine they weren't going to ship untill then. So when they showed up, I started a new bed. And I had to let them chit.
Of course there's some room left so I might as well plant the sprouted leftover to fill out the bed 😂 I still have those to plant
I have some potatoes I still haven’t put out and I need to do that. It’s a little late for those but I figure what’s the harm in planting

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