Best dewormer to put in water?

Oh, so you shouldn’t deworm twice a year? (We haven’t been but I just started managing the flock as my sisters at college) I thought you had to deworm preventatively. Their poops don’t appear to have worms in them. Should I get a fecal test done at the vet?
you can do it 2 times a year yes. i mean you should not have to treat them a second time as some dewormers need to be used 7 days apart as worm eggs don't die from some dewormers. with the ivermectin, my vet says it stays in their system 14 days and will kill any eggs etc.
you can do it 2 times a year yes. i mean you should not have to treat them a second time as some dewormers need to be used 7 days apart as worm eggs don't die from some dewormers. with the ivermectin, my vet says it stays in their system 14 days and will kill any eggs etc.
Your vet seriously suggested Ivermectin? It's not good at all for deworming. It may only treat one type of worm and it has been show to no longer even work well for that one type of worm.
Your vet seriously suggested Ivermectin? It's not good at all for deworming. It may only treat one type of worm and it has been show to no longer even work well for that one type of worm.
yes she did and also ivermectin is widly suggested here in the forums.

It can treat all sorts of worms.

large strongyles, small strongyles, pinworms, ascarids, hairworms, large-mouth stomach worms, bots, lungworms, intestinal threadworms, and a few others.
When my sister used to manage the flock she used to use some dewormer that she put in the water but she tells me she can’t remember the name of it now. I was trying to medicate them with safeguard paste but I couldn’t catch them all to treat them.
She's probably talking about Wazine which is no longer sold.

There is a new product out made by Safe-guard and it's called Aquasol. It is very expensive but it can be added to water unlike every other kind of dewormer.

It is not true that you will see worms in their poop if they do have worms. You usually don't see worms until you deworm them.

If you are seeing worms and you have not given them a dewormer your birds are more than likely infested with worms and the worms literally have no more room to stay inside the bird which is why you're seeing them come out.
I use Zyfend A dewormer. Just put 5-6 drops per gallon. Do you know what types of worms they are? Different worms need different dewormers. As far as I can tell Zyfend doesn’t kill the worms, just flushes them and the eggs out, so you have to be very careful to clean them up.
Do you see live worms in the poop after giving Zyfend and not before giving?
don't deworm unless you see worms in their poop. take pictures of the worms and post here. there are tons of people here that can identify them and from here post any symptoms your chickens have.
Some worms can not be seen with the naked eye so this isn't entirely true.
Do you see live worms in the poop after giving Zyfend and not before giving?
I think it depends. I haven’t actually had to use it in years, but I’m pretty sure that before there might have been a few roundworms and after use a large pile on the poop. I’m not really sure how well it works, but I haven’t had any worms problems since using it.

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