Help! Duck is breathing heavily?

No luck you guys. It's pretty far up there. I did all I could but I think I scared the poor thing enough tonight so I put her back outside with her sister. I'll check on her in the morning. Thank you all for the fast replies though
Maybe leave her a dish of water over night so she can dip her beak in.
Hope it clears out!
My 2-month-old runner duck is also breathing heavily today! He already can't walk due to dislocated knees. There was potential of other issues if he developed wrong in the egg (it's unclear). But I can see him breathing hard and hear it. His right eye also looks like there are bubbles coming out of the tear duct area? I can't tell if there's anything stuck in his nare or not though.
My 2-month-old runner duck is also breathing heavily today! He already can't walk due to dislocated knees. There was potential of other issues if he developed wrong in the egg (it's unclear). But I can see him breathing hard and hear it. His right eye also looks like there are bubbles coming out of the tear duct area? I can't tell if there's anything stuck in his nare or not though.
Update: I just discovered that there's something clogging her left nostril to the brim. Doesn't look like she's able to get any air through there and if she can it's minimal. I just watched her blow her nose under the water but it's not coming out. Is there something I can do to help her or do I leave it? I'm not 100% sure this is what's causing the heavy breathing but it may be
I suspect the same thing, anyone give you any suggestions on what to do? I need to help her, her notes sounds dry, but I put her in a tub of water everyday so she can bath a blow her nose.

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