Update NEW PICS ON 10/11/09~COME LQQK -The baby is HERE - WOOO HOOO!!


~Crazy Egg Lady~
11 Years
Jul 11, 2008
Thats the human baby im talking about !!!

Went to the baby doctor today and got the good news....... I'm 3cm and 90% thinned (no contractions yet)!!! Now I get to wait more, but.... it's getting closer !!! I'm so excited, can you tell ??

Anyone want to share there labor storys, LOL !!!
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Woo hoo!! You're almost there!!! Good luck to you!
Thanks everyone
!!! I was starting to think this time would never come !! Seems like just last week I told hubby we were having a baby, WOW how time flys !!

Now, to keep myself busy so i'm not thinking about it every 5 mins, I think its worse than hatching chicks !!!
Lucky lady you are !! Hope to be like you, anything special you did to do it so quick
My young un..... born in 1979 and it's hard to believe it was that long ago. Enjoy your baby - never fail to take time to just be with him//her.....It's your presence, not your presents that they need. I close my eyes and it was yesterday I was in the hospital making arrangements that she would live in my hospital room. I didn't want to have her away from me for a minute. I think we need to have a shower.

I'll start. I'm showering you and you family with hope, patience, humor, joy and prayers...I'm so happy for you.
I am surprised if you 3 Cm and 90% thinned out that he did not scrap membrane and that would of started your labor . Is this your first ? Do you know if its a girl or boy ? Whatcha going to name the new addition ?

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