what is wrong with people-----selling puppies....

i have always wondered this..how can a mixed breed dog be registered? i am always seeing puggles or shnoodles or whatever on craigslist and the ad always says something like registered or with papers.
Thomas, contrary to popular belief, there is no hybrid vigor when mixing two breeds of the same species. In addition, it is people who breed purebred dogs who health test their animals and select their breeding stock with as much care as they possibly can muster. Many, if not most, hobby/show breeders breed to improve the breed that they have selected to work with. With few exceptions, the people who toss two breeds together to label with a "cute" name are just in it for the money.

I'm not saying that responsible crossbreeding cannot occur. Lurchers are crossbreeds with a purpose, border jacks are not (for example). When the Alaskan Klee Kai was under development, a lot of mixing occurred. When the "Labradoodle" experiment was going on in Australia, there was a lot of mixing going on. But the those people were breeding with an intended goal in mind--and now that the Labradoodle experiment has failed, I'm not sure why people are continuing the effort except to make designer dogs. Call me crazy, but with around 500 known breeds world-wide, I'm not sure why we need to mix breeds to find an animal that will fill a niche for everyone.

Edited to add

Because they buy papers from "registries" that will register a Himalayan cat as a Pekingese as long as the name, the amount, and the signature on the check are all correct. No legitimate registry will register a mixed breed. Heck, they won't even give a mixed breed a listing number if the dog is not neutered.
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My son was joking about all the mixed dog names, making up combos / trying to be a little rude. He was very shocked when one of "his" breeds appeared in the paper: a ShihT-Poo.
Because they buy papers from "registries" that will register a Himalayan cat as a Pekingese as long as the name, the amount, and the signature on the check are all correct. No legitimate registry will register a mixed breed. Heck, they won't even give a mixed breed a listing number if the dog is not neutered.

i didnt know that! thanks for clearing that up. myself, i cant see why anyone would pay so much for a mutt, or any dog for that matter. im not a dog person at all though, which is probably why.
I personally would never have anything other than a rescue
All of our kids are rescues, especially Ted, our "chowtreiver" He's a chow golden mix w/a purple tongue
Ted had an imbedded collar and wound up at the humane society. A guy got him, and kept ted locked up in a room and never even took him out to go to the bathroom! The guy got arrested for other reasons, and Ted was still in the house. Luckily the landlord went in and found him. Ted wound up tied to a camper next to where I worked. He would constantly bark day in day out. I finally asked about him, and started making friends with Ted. I wound up taking him to the groomer (mats tight to his skin - ouch!). My hubby then said we couldn't waste the $ we just spent at the groomer, so I should bring Ted home for a couple days... But we WERE NOT keeping him! Let me see here... That was around 4 years ago
Teddy is one of the best dogs we could have gotten,and he didn't cost us an arm and a leg. People want cute little puppies rather than a grown dog, it will always be that way. Plus dogs have become a status symbol... "I bought my dog from the breeder that sold to Madonna" yeah well, that dog is now 11 and still peeing on the floor... I'll keep my heinz 57's

I'm SO sorry for ranting! but I did include a pic

We bought a Foxton for $150.00 after I searched and searched petfinder and some of the lowest prices for adoption were $300.00 and I still needed to pay to get them fixed. I personaly wouldn't pay over $400.00 unless I could get papers for it.
I won't do rescue, if that makes me a bad person then so be it. I have 6 kids and have had too many dogs go through here because of it. All were rescues and all had issues, some much worse than others. One started getting aggressive to my 1 yo who was just trying to crawl by(male aggressive problem, suspect he was beaten by a man as my 3yo daughter could ride him and he loved her), he was placed with a single woman and was wonderful for her. I have rehomed them all and now have 2 show beagles....had tried a hunting beagle but he needed to work and we didn't hunt....he howled/screamed/yelled ALL the time. We just wanted a pet and he required more attention than my 4(at the time) kids.....he went back to the breeder who was an avid hunter and he ended up being his best.
I am not saying other dogs won't have issues but maybe I would have had luck getting pups and not adults with baggage, but I felt bad for them. For the record, not a single one of my rescues went back to a shelter, I found them forever homes....
I have a rottweiler, a boxer and a chow-shep-golden mix. All three were stray roaming the street. They are all fixed and happy loving dogs. However, if I had gone to a shelter/humane society to "adopt" a dog, I'd have been turned down in a heart beat.

There is something wrong in a world where purposefully mixed-bred dogs go for hundreds if not thousands of dollars and yet the mutts at the shelters can't get homes because the people who want to love them aren't "qualified".

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