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  1. E

    How much water is too much?

    Thank you! I’ve sized up her water trug today, so I’ve put a bowl in the middle to prevent her going for an unsupervised swim.
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    How much water is too much?

    Here she is
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    How much water is too much?

    Hi! I have a lone hatcher, 3 week old embden female. She’s the only gosling I’ve ever had so I’m not quite sure what’s normal. She drinks quite a lot of water and I’m wondering how much is too much? Should I be offering it freely? She has fairly liquidy poops often, but so does my adult...
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    Polly’s Problem

    I feel like this community was so helpful to us in her times of need, you deserve to know. I really appreciate the support we had here. Here she is being her cheeky self
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    Polly’s Problem

    Thank you. She was an amazing little being
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    Polly’s Problem

    That's all we can do really isn't it? Give them their best life possible. Polly was destined for a tricky one, but we got to fill it with love too. It sounds like Daffy was lucky to have you. Ascites is an awful thing. Bless you.
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    Polly’s Problem

    Thank you. Me too. But she inspired me to help other birds so I've been doing that ever since. She's still kind of with me
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    Polly’s Problem

    Hi everyone! Update. Polly had an awesome life after this for almost a year. An unrelated issue took her eventually. But this was entirely recoverable. She was a trooper and had a fabulous sense of humour with the best comic timing. I miss her daily.
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    Gosling Still has stump at navel at 15 days

    I'd add pictures but I'm struggling to take any with the leg flapping. It looks like a tiny dry black scab
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    Gosling Still has stump at navel at 15 days

    Hello! My 15 day old embden still has her umbilical/navel stump. It's dry and dark and I think rather stuck to her feathers. I read to keep it dry and let it fall off on its own, but it's been significantly longer than any I've found online and so I wondered, is this within the range of normal...
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    Watery swelling on newly hatched chick. What could it be?

    May I ask the same thing if you? I have a little one with a fluid filled lump. Looking for guidance
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    Alas they died in the second week of incubation. 😞 I think the delay in light and reliable heat did it. They were developing beautifully up until then
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    Hi! Thanks for your reply. They’re commercial hybrid chickens
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    I have had a bit of a strange ride with some eggs and would love your advice! Five fertile eggs spent 1- 3 days under the hen, a further 8 days in a ventilated polystyrene box with hot water bottles being changed regularly / being turned / humidity etc. Then a further 11 days in an incubator at...
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    Polly’s Problem

    Hi all! Thank you so much for your advice. The poor little thing had two massive hard shelled eggs stuck and really wasn’t likely to live. Thankfully the vets managed to remove the eggs with minimal damage by forcing a vent prolapse and then suturing a small tear. After a week of pain meds and...
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    Polly’s Problem

    I’ve got her to eat egg shells and tums so hopefully that’ll do the same thing. Thank you.
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    Polly’s Problem

    Hi all! My hen (20 wk old fully vaccinated ex comercial) appears to have two rather large eggs stuck way back in her oviduct. It feels like one is low down and the other is on top. I’m waiting on a vet appointment tomorrow but that will be over 48 hours after we first found the stuck egg. She’s...
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    Chicken Salpingectomy:help!

    Hi! Chickens do have a uterus although I see why there’s confusion. Their uterus is just before the vent and it’s where the shell is added to the egg. Salpingectomy is also a real surgery to remove the reproductive organs. Don’t worry about them scamming her. You’ll be able to find lots of info...
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