
  1. R

    Sick duck?

    2 days ago my rouen started acting weird, it stopped being loud and it would gag. Now, it's starting to have seizure like movements, like falling down and then act like nothing happened seconds after. I read that it is possible that a duck does that when they have something stuck in their throat...
  2. R

    What breed and gender could this duck be?

    I got him/her (the one in question, which I hope is a male) and a female khaki Campbell a few weeks ago from a popular breeder in my area. They were at least 1 week old when I bought them, and my guess is that they are about four weeks at the moment. He/her quacks harshly when separated from the...
  3. Ozarkhomesteader

    Is it dangerous to let ducks swim in water runoff?

    Hello everyone! I have a small flock of 5 ducks that are currently penned up near the house in a chicken tractor. This winter, I am working on fencing off the back half of the property (about half an acre) to give the livestock (ducks, chickens, turkeys and hopefully goats) more room to...
  4. bdfive

    Black Australian Swan

    I have a healthy 4 year old male Black Australian swan that needs a mate. Do you have a mature female available, reasonably priced? Also open to giving up Gunther to a good forever home where he would be with a female. Price negotiable. Won't ship him so must be within driving distance of San...
  5. Ozarkhomesteader

    Can ducks make use of a wooded swamp?? Thoughts, concerns, and experience needed!

    Hello all! Recently me and my family were invited by my grandparents to move from our 1 acre city yard onto their 20 acre plot of land in Michigan with them. They are getting older, and cannot take care of the place like they used to. Nothing is decided as of yet, but as the dreamer I am, I...
  6. m1chelle1

    Ducks or other waterfowl as pest control in cranberry bogs?? Need Help Brainstorming! :)

    Hello BYC Fam! This is a cross-post from my Permies account... Long story short, ive been looking to buy a (preferably) organic farm and have successfully found a fantastic affordable one, full of potential! Needless to say ive been doing my research on it and cant seem to find anything on...
  7. D


    Hello! I know this might be a bit off topic, but I need help finding sellers of Flamingos. I have done extensive research on their care, including but not limited to the American Zoological Association's guidelines for their care. I have prepared resources for their diet, shelter, space, and...
  8. CrazyCochin

    Pictures of our waterfowl.

    Here are some pictures of our waterfowl: runner ducks and the goose.
  9. PincoPoultry

    Pekin Ducklings for sale (Brooksville Florida)

    Have 11 Pekin duckling hatchlings for sale hatched 06/22/2019. Asking $4.00 a baby. Located in Brooksville Florida.
  10. Age-of-Goositude

    Sinus Infection Gosling

    Don't know how it happened but I have two older Goslings with sinus infections. Lump on either side of their beak. Baytril is on it's way ordered it yesterday. I got VetRX and they had it overnight and all the swelling went down but it's coming back one boy has more labored breathing than usual...
  11. G

    Plants along lakeshore for waterfowl

    Our private 55 acre lake in Carrollton, GA 30117 is heavily forested, but doesn’t provide much in the way of food for wildlife. Any suggestions on plants, trees, or seed mixes for encourage waterfowl habitat would be much appreciated.
  12. AnImAlSrGr3aT

    Aviary Design&Construction

    Hi everyone I have 2 pairs of woodies 1p of red heads 1p of hottentot teals and I just wanted to see some ideas of what everyone else has done for their aviary's. I was thinking of making mine a 25'x50'x12'tall but I wanted to use the big farm pond for there water but theres no way for me to...
  13. Rammy

    Khaki Campbell Ducklings for Sale

    I just hatched out 5 Khaki Campbell ducks on Feb. 14th. I dont know how to sex them so they are straight run. Im in Cedar Hill, Tn. Asking $5 per duckling.
  14. M

    JOINT INFLAMMATION, please read

    Hi everyone. So i am dealing with a bit of an issue with one of my pekins. She had bumblefoot back in 2017, it got petty bad, I won't lie but i took her to the vet and got antibiotics for her, wrapped her feet and it went away, she just had some excess skin on the bottom of her feet from the...
  15. Age-of-Goositude

    Free Drawings

    I am hoping to get to everyone eventually post your babies!! Old, young, still here, or over the rainbow bridge. I will work at my own pace and this will be a fun past time! I have a thread here already for all my art where the final post of your art will be posted! Here are some examples of my...
  16. Waterfowllady

    Size of call duck pens

    So I was wondering how large would how large would breeding pens for no more than a trio of call ducks be? I am hoping to build breeding pens but just wanted to know what kind of measurements they’d have to have, or how large.. Thanks! (They will be raised pens)
  17. Parachromis

    Looking for Waterfowl Eggs

    Hello everyone. I'm trying to find hatching eggs of a few different birds, but i'm having trouble finding any one (or even 2) places that carry what i'm looking for. I don't want to pay a million in shipping by going through 3-4 different places if I can at all avoid it. I figured it was time to...
  18. C

    Sick ducks after cold weather hit

    So I have flocks of different kinds of ducks. They all do fine during winter except for my Aussie Spot bantams and I am trying to figure out why and what they need different from my standard size ducks. I keep my Aussie Spots separate from the chickens and large ducks. My bantam ducks thrive...
  19. MillersFarm

    Call ducks and call mixes.

    Quick introduction, I live on 40+ acres and own all sorts of animals. Turkeys, chickens, ornamental pheasants, Guineas, Geese, and ducks. Out of all of the different types of poultry I raise my favorites would have to be my ducks~ I myself have 3 welsh harlequins, 4 buffs, 9 rouens, a few mixes...
  20. A

    Meet Chubb!

    Hi there! This is my duck Chubb, and we seem to think he is a male but are having a hard time distinguishing! He doesn't have a true quack he kind of more whistles. Our other blue swedish does quack. He's probably about 3 months old now but isn't growing a drake feather? Help! Anybody really...
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