
  1. M

    Sick Pet Goose, do I need a vet?

    My white chinese goose has been sick for nearly a week, right after she started laying. She has some kind of egg sack-looking growth on her abdomen, but i’ve read that it’s normal. My goose is very loud, social, and an eating machine, but now that she’s sick, she barely eats, barely talks, and...
  2. Lordofthegreenpeas

    Egyptian Goose standard

    I was planning on showing my egyptian geese at the state show. I know they are APA but I can't find any standard. Is there anywhere I could find it?
  3. A

    What to do when you first get waterfowl?

    Am I just overthinking this- or what do we need to do to “settle” ducks and geese into living at our farm pond? Do they need to be locked in a pen up there before letting them roam the pond? If so how long? After I have waterfowl living there and want to introduce new- do I need to follow the...
  4. chicken mother

    Is this duck male or female?

    i have welsh harlequins and silver appleyards, all female. except for this one welsh harlequin that i’m not so sure about. i always thought it was a male but now they’re 5 months old and he still doesnt look like a drake. i was waiting for the dark feathers from the neck up but they never...
  5. greenthebean

    Goslings dying quickly

    Hi all. We had a flock of 6 goslings about 2.5 months old. The past 2 days they have been rapidly dying. Yesterday morning one was found dead in the coops and no signs of injury. The rest were separated from the other waterfowl. This morning, the remaining goslings are all dying; lethargic...
  6. TheAlrightyGina

    Questions about raising waterfowl for processing/eggs

    So I've tried to find the answer to this question independently, but I can't find a straight answer. If you want to raise waterfowl for both eggs and meat, and don't really have the space to separate the ones you're keeping for each purpose, are you gonna have a bad time come processing day? I...
  7. 0ddaudd

    Is This Niacin Okay to Give Gosling ???

    Hey! I have found myself thinking about getting a gosling, I was just curious as to if this niacin would be okay to give to them? And if so how much of the powder? I’ve just been trying to look for a cheaper alternative to brewers yeast. I also heard that using “nutritional yeast” is good as...
  8. Fairywoodducks

    Duck with broken femur! Advice needed! Help!

    Sadly my duck Emmy (she's 3) took a tumble and broke her left leg/femer. The vet said I might be able to find a local vet to put a pin in her leg or the other option is amputation. I know birds have a hard time going under for surgery. I'm hoping her leg can be fixed, but is it too risky? Should...
  9. S

    Is this bumblefoot on goose?

    We're new to poultry and water fowl keeping, and want to make sure they're all healthy! Is this black-ish growth anything to be concerned about on our 4mnth old goose? Maybe bumblefoot? It doesn't seem to come off with water and gentle rubbing. We're base in SE Qld, Australia.
  10. Bird_Lover_17

    Exotic Ducks????

    Hi. I was looking for fun (and possibly a bad decision) on the Meyer hatchery website. Does anyone raise exotic/rare ducks- any pointers? I'm not jumping into it, just curious! this is the page for Meyer hatchery ! Thanks in advance, - @Bird_Lover_17
  11. Bird_Lover_17

    Goose Breeds- whats your experience?

    Hi, I am considering raising Pilgrim or orpington geese. Eventually, I want to raise both. I just want to know if you have any tips regarding these breeds or other breeds that are docile. :)
  12. Jasss998


    sunny and milo recently started molting! they are 2 or 3 weeks. i was wondering if there are any tips to make them feel better because it’s probably stressful for them. cuddles and love or let them be? they seem A LOT more tired especially milo which is surprising because he’s a VERY hyper duck...
  13. N

    why hasn't my one year old duck layed an egg?

    hello guys, I'm quite new to here, but I've used to come here for various reasons quite a few times, but I have never found anyone talking about any type of duck not laying. Most of the time, the topics that cover this seem to be about ducks that are still too young to lay but never about a...
  14. T

    What on earth are these ducks mixed with?

    We are trying to figure out what on earth these ducks are mixed with. We were told the one in the front is a mallard welsh harlequins, but they have already grown at least twice as large as our mallards. Possibly Rouen, but they're all starting to look so different. The second picture is the...
  15. GeeseGoose


    Hello! I’m Sami, an animal lover who particularly enjoys birds of all types. I’ve worked as an animal care tech for raptors and birds ranging from wild to domestic to exotic of all sizes (among other animals) for a few years before leaving for college. This past spring, I raised three lovely...
  16. R

    Three month old duckling sexing?

    I've bought them early March before the pandemic outbreak, the breeder misplaced the breeds, and I think he misplaced the genders too. I'm supposed to have a couple, one female Khaki Campbell and a male mallard; instead I got a possible male Khaki Campbell and a possible male Rouen. They bought...
  17. C

    Can a gosling with angel wing swim with his wing wrapped?

    Hello all, one of the goslings on our property has just started showing angel wing. If I wrap his wing to his body, is he still safe to wander and swim with the others? My husband is worried that he could drown.
  18. WhatTheDuckingDuck

    Welcome to Insanity!

    Welcome to my Madhouse! Please join me in the insanity and feel free to share your insane experiences! I’ll start off with by listing my “herd” * 50+ chickens egg chickens and meatbirds * 11 Ducks 1 pekin, 5 mallards, 5 khaki campbells * 4 Toulouse goslings, more eggs in the...
  19. Frosty_2503

    Chickens and geese or chickens and ducks?

    I absolutely love waterfowl and would like to add some into my flock of chickens. I love Cayugas and I love black East Indies as well, but I also love American buff geese, pilgrim geese and Sebastopols. I’m looking for something that will be friendly and cute but also get along very well with my...
  20. W

    Hello! New duck farmer here

    A few months ago a bird rescue organization, ASAP, was presenting at Petco when I went for cat food. They had all sorts of birds there, including a duck that my 2 year old fell in love with. Obviously, it was not a good idea to adopt a duck on impulse, so we did not get it. However, we had been...
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