

    The great-green PNW

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? We're new to chickens, we started getting them in late February of this year. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? Right now we have 13 chickens, 6 geese, and 12 ducks. (3) What breeds do you have? 6 Buff Orpington...
  2. K

    Ducks napping all day

    It seems that my two hens are napping damn near all day. Should I be worried about this behavior? They still take time to forage and bathe in their pool, but it seems that their naps are getting more frequent. Could this be due to the sudden heat? I live in Southern Louisiana and summer has...
  3. 1995ImpalaSS

    Muscovy duck thinks im challenging him

    My muscovy drake “ Otis” has been very aggresive lately. Any time im standing beside him he always bites my leg. Once in a while he’ll exhale and start shaking his head/neck/body with the mohawk raised. How do I get him to not bite anymore?
  4. K

    Small batch duck starter feed.

    Hey y'all, Just wanted to introduce myself. I have two two-week old Indian Runner ducklings. Both ladies. I am totally smitten by them. Will take any and all advice. I did end up purchasing 25lbs of waterfowl starter feed from Mazuri. I didn't want to mis-measure brewer's yeast and ruin...
  5. C

    Duck Poop

    I don't own any ducks, but from what I've heard from others, ducks tend to have particularly large, liquid-y dumps. Especially when compared to chickens. Is that the general case in y'all's experiences? If so, why do do ducks have these sort of feces? And is this a running trend with all...
  6. fayoumisfeathers

    Starter Ducks

    Hello! I have owned chickens for a couple years now and i am thinking about getting a few ducks. I have a 3 acre piece that is about 30 feet from my house that i'm going to start putting poultry in. A pond (most likely 1/4 acre in size) is going to be built and completed before we get any...
  7. Ranitameya


    Daughter found a dog tick in the yard today, and though I've searched, I can't find any info. on whether my ducks are at risk...
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