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  1. S

    Enrofloxacin Powder 20% dose

    Okay, so I think I've got it figured out. And I found a 1/10 teaspoon measure on Amazon. By my calculations 1/10 tsp should be a daily dose for a 5lb chicken (split in half to give every 12 hours). Correct? Again, not using it now, just want to write it on the bag so I don't have to go down a...
  2. S

    Baytril Powder 10% Dosing for Sick Chicken

    I'm trying to figure this out on the 20% right now! It's so frustrating! Why can't they just have this little plastic stick with divots in it were you just pack the product down and wipe the access off and that's the amount you give per pound!?
  3. S

    Enrofloxacin Powder 20% dose

    Ok so I bought this to keep on hand. Not emergency at the moment, just trying to be prepared. Problem is dosing it in water is something I've never needed, waste of product. I prefer getting the right dose down the hatch no matter what animal I'm treating. I'd like to write it on the back of the...
  4. S

    How do you sell eggs?

    Thanks! So far I just code mine with a 5-digit code first number being two last number being four because of the year. The three in between are the day of the year. I just do that because it's harder to read and I feel like if I put actual dates on there I'd have people picking off the top all...
  5. S


    Not replacing the twice a day feed and water person. But the personal care and grooming for the animal as well as making sure the water is clean fresh and full.
  6. S


    So I have a hypothetical question for you who have horses. Say you grew up with horses. And now you don't have any. But you have a neighbor who does. They were left the house property and pets (with a trust fund for the animals) they live out of state and spend a total of probably about 2 months...
  7. S

    How do you sell eggs?

    Really!? That old!? I always thought it was like 2 weeks at the most! Holy crap!
  8. S

    How do you sell eggs?

    Yes, usually I can fill a dozen within a day. But if not or I'm going for an 18 pack It's by the next day. So I date them from the day I started the carton. So 4 weeks is what you do? And you mark that on the carton?
  9. S

    How do you sell eggs?

    Do you put expiration dates on them? If so, how does that work? I haven't yet, I just code when they're laid.
  10. S

    How do you sell eggs?

    Definitely helps! We will be coming up on more volume in the next few months so just wanted some varied input on my operation. Seems since I started my project a year and a half ago now that I'm almost there I'm seeing fresh eggs signs popping up a good bit around me 🤦🏼‍♀️ not even sure how many...
  11. S

    How do you sell eggs?

    Oh I absolutely know they can last for quite some time unwashed! Heck the ones at the grocery store are usually a couple weeks old before they hit the shelves. But I wasn't really sure if there's some rule unknown to me how freshly laid they should be when you're selling your own eggs. Like what...
  12. S

    How do you sell eggs?

    So I'm curious. I sell eggs to my clients here and there on the side. It's never been a whole lot though due to the amount of hens that I have. But I hatched out some new ones and I will be getting a lot more eggs when they start laying. I do have roosters so the eggs would most likely be...
  13. S

    Help with a Great Pyrenees

    The dog has been fine for 4 years. It's there. It's just there's something in the way. Consider the dog the way you consider the chickens and get right on it and you'll be so glad you did! Definitely reach out to someone familiar with LGDs! NOT what I would consider a lost cause 💗
  14. S

    Help with a Great Pyrenees

    Spot on! 🎯 without you for discernment it's just a opportunistic carnivore with about the most alluring prey in existence in front of them 😜 no matter how much you try to genetically create an athlete if you sit them in front of video games all day don't be shocked if you don't get an athlete!
  15. S

    Help with a Great Pyrenees

    There's absolutely a difference for them! They notice a distress call. It's whether it sends them into protection or mob mode. It's just not how it works for us. You do have to resign yourself to understanding to an extent what compels and motivates them is not human. Even though it's just as...
  16. S


    They're out there in our wooded acres. But in all these years we've never had one step foot in the yard. We even have a couple mama deer that hang around the edge of the yard yearly and leave their little spotted babies in the bushes behind the chicken coop taking advantage of his preditor...
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    After getting quite behind from hand surgery we finally got everybody in the new run! Still a few more details for play and enrichment to come. But the older girls, the April hatch and Raven and her babies are all together in one place! No more finding the older girls eggs stashes laying around...
  18. S

    Help with a Great Pyrenees

    Yes! My point was supposed to be this is so doable, and worth it ❤️ I don't think I'm great at making points... 😆
  19. S

    Help with a Great Pyrenees

    Yur dead to me... As the kids would say, "SUS"
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