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  1. LavrisChica

    Consolidated Kansas

    Wowzer what a WINDY day!!! Since my last post about 2-4 weeks ago (time sure flies when I stay busy and have fun doing it!), I've lost 6 chickens, and one duckling. The chickens, I believe were to a coyote. We have absolutely no issues with the coyotes since we've fenced the immediate...
  2. LavrisChica

    Consolidated Kansas

    Hello everyone! Goodness, its been a while since I posted anything. Did not realize how much time had gone by. Guess the adage of time flies when having fun holds true! So much to catch up on reading. Not sure I can get that accomplished!! lol Been busy busy busy on various projects. The...
  3. LavrisChica

    Consolidated Kansas

    Truly, I never ever thought I'd love them so much!
  4. LavrisChica

    Consolidated Kansas

    "just chickens" I really do love that on so many levels. he he he My fluffy-butt buddies are just that, my buddies, since I'm not into show or breeding, etc. Just frenz in the yard with pretty eggs.
  5. LavrisChica

    Consolidated Kansas

    Mmmmmmmmmmmmmk.... I picked up five chicks a few weeks back. Not sure of age, but thinking they were 3-4 weeks old maybe. IDK for sure, though. the gal I got them from said they were a Plymouth Rock mix, but didn't say what they were mixed with. I didn't care, as I was simply looking for some...
  6. LavrisChica

    Consolidated Kansas

    Looks like white ear lobes to me. Some breeds have that - especially white egg layers. What breed is this handsome Roo?
  7. LavrisChica

    Consolidated Kansas

    @chicken danz I will definitely keep all that in mind!!! My flock free-ranges a fenced area of about 3-4 acres worth. I have some chickens that have proven avid flyers and would go over any small enclosure; yet, with the larger area, they don't seem so interested in going over the perimeter...
  8. LavrisChica

    Consolidated Kansas

    I couldn't find it....and that was because its under Blue Isbar! LOL Sounds like the fragile issue was resolved a long time ago and seems like they are adored among reviewers. The breeder is close to me, so figured might as well give it a shot. Then after looking at and reading up some on...
  9. LavrisChica

    Consolidated Kansas

    I see everyone is "dealing" with the heat! Chicken Danz, I pray you get to feeling better; I cannot imagine bronchitis in this humidity!!!! My flock seems to be tolerating the heat fairly well; of course, I am out checking on them every few hours if not more and they love to play in the...
  10. LavrisChica

    Consolidated Kansas

    I have over 30 from Cackle Hatchery. The straight runs (of 5) I received have been a very good turn out with one breed having only one Roo and the other breed only two. The rest I purchased pullets and so far so good. They even gave me 3 extra surprise ones free. Must've been gift with purchase...
  11. LavrisChica

    Consolidated Kansas

    Well, well, well. SIGH! Good note: New babies hatched out looking adorable as ever, healthy, hungry, and active!!! Half Lavender Ameraucauna/half Silver Laced Wyandotte. Bad note: Momma Broody, a Black Thai Game hen (Gracie), began trying to kill them!!!! Was a challenge with her pissiness...
  12. LavrisChica

    Consolidated Kansas

    @Trish44 I didn't want to build anything permanent as I'm in the middle of a total coop remodel that will include a brooder. So, I just wrapped a large dog crate in mesh netting with zip ties to hold it tight. I can drape cardboard or towels over it to keep the heat in when necessary. Turned...
  13. LavrisChica

    Consolidated Kansas

    IKR?!? After new hatchlings in the last few days and some due today and tomorrow, I've been scrambling today on a quick-build-brooder! Usually I just coral them in the coop in the summer heat, but needing heat, and the tub I was using previously too small, I am shaking my head, too!
  14. LavrisChica

    Consolidated Kansas

    Yeh, the nail-pulling stinks, eh? I tend to use all the falling-apart lumber for the campfire!
  15. LavrisChica

    Consolidated Kansas

    @chicken danz ba ha ha ha, that cracks me up!! (next life - marry money) I do have energy! And time! I'm so grateful for that!!! Keeps me young! As for the money, don't have that, yet I am a scavenger of all things free, which comes abundantly living so close to the metro and access to...
  16. LavrisChica

    Consolidated Kansas

    I'd take'em for sure, but am not close to you. Darn it! Thanks for the "convincing info" - I will be sure to tell him this!!!
  17. LavrisChica

    Consolidated Kansas

    Maybe its age, maybe its maturity - I don't know, but standing out in the cool showers this morning, admiring the lush, rich, beauty and the freshness of mild temperate air gracing my skin, I realized how much more appreciative I am of this level of weather/climate! A peaceful blanket covers...
  18. LavrisChica

    Consolidated Kansas

    @minifarm83 Warmest of welcomes! @Frizzled Pink Wow! Love that old barn!!! I'm betting the birds will love it! What charm!!! @chicken danz Oh WOW! I am loving your peacocks!!! I keep trying to talk my hubby into some (I lived on a mountain top in a small shack surrounded by a huge...
  19. LavrisChica

    Consolidated Kansas

    Been a few weeks since I was able to read/post, so am playing catch-up @Trish44 I found some coneflowers (identical to mexican hats) out in my pasture the other day! Will be ding some transplanting into my chicken garden soon! YAY! Also, I'm looking for some cream legbars. Any hatching...
  20. LavrisChica

    Consolidated Kansas

    Well, I lost the post of who was hatching ducklings the 27th. ??? (Phone seems a bit buggy today) I've got a single duck egg due to hatch next week. The others died and momma abandoned this one, so i rescued. It'll need some friends so it's not trying to make it alone, lonely, and scared. Most...
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