šŸ£šŸ„Black Copper Marans and Whiting True Blues. Lots of videosšŸŽ„

His son, AngelFire, has been also getting with some of the hens. He looks just like him, but bearded. Heā€™s been on my list to remove from the flock once I get a minute to deal with it. I would rather not breed forward with bearded birds. The plan is to also remove magic from the flock and hatch out a replacement.
Those are gorgeous colors..
Looking forward to following along with your hatch.
Thanks! Iā€™m noticing my whiting true blues arenā€™t laying much, nor is the olive egger that lays the nice golden olive egg.
I probably shouldnā€™t hatch out any of those green eggs because honestly, I donā€™t think I wanna breed forward with those bearded fibro hens. It would probably be best if I just hatched out the marans eggs and get F1 olive eggers. I do think Iā€™ll hatch the pinkish brown marans cross eggs and the few whiting true blues.
You get to read my random thoughts while sitting in Austin traffic lol
Thatā€™s what I was thinking of doing, but Iā€™m worried I might have a hard time separating them after they hatch. Most will be black i reckon. I do have some little chick leg bands, maybe I can use hatching bags to separate them.
Thatā€™s what I was thinking of doing, but Iā€™m worried I might have a hard time separating them after they hatch. Most will be black i reckon.

I do have some little chick leg bands, maybe I can use hatching bags to separate them.
That's what I do, I use lingerie bags cut down and separate at lockdown. Sew what side I don't need back up, and very, very loosely tie the open end up so I can quickly open to pull any chicks out after they dry, and then leg band them.

Depending on you bater tho, maybe there's a divider available. I know there is for my NR 360 and I should really order one as the lid is cumbersome to get closed just right and makes it that much more stressful.

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