Ameraucana Genetics Clarification

Well, that does look like splash to me, but I can see why that leakage would make you nervous. Have you asked the breeder if she knows where the red leakage is coming from?
Yes I did ask and I'm just waiting to hear back. I've asked that woman so many questions, I know she just wished I would go away. As I said, she is brand-new to Ameraucanas and even thought that she had Silver as opposed to Blues before I clued her in. It's been an adventure for sure or that leakage wouldn't make me so nervous. He's a beautiful bird and I don't care if his color genetics are "muddied", so long as he produces blue egg layers.
I think I would probably ask for (at least) a partial refund. Then either buy some ameruacanas from a reputable breeder OR if you don’t mind the leakage and are only concerned with egg color, you could raise up some cockerels, pick your favorite one, and have him genetically tested for blue egg gene. (I have used The Silkie Lab and recommend them, it’s $25 for the blue egg test.) Then you will know if he has two blue egg genes, or only one. If he does have 2 copies of the gene, you can be confident about his daughters all laying blue or green eggs.

However if you are wanting a bird that is closer to the ameraucana standard, then I would probably get more eggs and go from there.

I think it’s great that you educated the person who is selling those eggs, I hope they change their ads to reflect what they have learned!
Dear Lord...When asked if she could let me know why he might have the red leakage or if she could give me any info on his parentage, she said that she hatched him from a black rooster bred to either a black hen or a blue hen. I told her it must have been the blue hen since black on black would have resulted in all black offspring. This is a merry-go-round and I'm just going to jump off right here. Oy Vey!
Dear Lord...When asked if she could let me know why he might have the red leakage or if she could give me any info on his parentage, she said that she hatched him from a black rooster bred to either a black hen or a blue hen. I told her it must have been the blue hen since black on black would have resulted in all black offspring. This is a merry-go-round and I'm just going to jump off right here. Oy Vey!
If she was referring to the splash rooster it is genetically impossible that his father was black. Splash carries two copies of the diluting blue gene and a black parent could not pass on a blue gene. Maybe the father was a dark blue… however it kind of just sounds like she has absolutely no clue about the parentage of the bird.
I think I would probably ask for (at least) a partial refund. Then either buy some ameruacanas from a reputable breeder OR if you don’t mind the leakage and are only concerned with egg color, you could raise up some cockerels, pick your favorite one, and have him genetically tested for blue egg gene. (I have used The Silkie Lab and recommend them, it’s $25 for the blue egg test.) Then you will know if he has two blue egg genes, or only one. If he does have 2 copies of the gene, you can be confident about his daughters all laying blue or green eggs.

However if you are wanting a bird that is closer to the ameraucana standard, then I would probably get more eggs and go from there.

I think it’s great that you educated the person who is selling those eggs, I hope they change their ads to reflect what they have learned!
I appreciate your kind words and your guidance. I've learned a lot in the process, myself. What's that they say about the best learning taking place when teaching? Someone said that, right? lol I think whoever said it is honestly onto something!
I am not prioritizing standards/recognized colors. I am prioritizing egg color at this time. Thank you so much for putting me onto the blue egg test!! I will be taking this advice. You are appreciated!
I appreciate your kind words and your guidance. I've learned a lot in the process, myself. What's that they say about the best learning taking place when teaching? Someone said that, right? lol I think whoever said it is honestly onto something!
I am not prioritizing standards/recognized colors. I am prioritizing egg color at this time. Thank you so much for putting me onto the blue egg test!! I will be taking this advice. You are appreciated!
Perfect, the blue egg test will be super handy for you in this situation!! I am working on a blue egg layer project so it is going to help me out a lot as well, since it is really difficult to tell if a boy carries any genes for blue eggs without growing out his daughters until they lay! I hope you have a great hatch 🐣
**MORE INPUT, PLEASE (sorry for hollering lol)
More pictures from seller of her Ameraucana flock. I'm now nervous.
Please tell me that rooster IS a Splash Ameraucana, albeit a very poor speciment (and NOT an EE) before I ask this woman for a refund.
I'll eat the shipping cost, but I purchased Ameraucanas, not EE and for very specific reasons. I wouldn't mind keeping a couple of the female offspring, but I need and want a true Ameraucana roo for my planned goals.
Talk me down, guys. Tell me it's possible he's a Splash Am with hella leakage...possible Splash Wheaten??? ((sigh)) If not, what would you do in my situation? Thanks again.
To me it does look a lot of leakage.

That's why a lot of of splash Ameraucanas are silver based rather than gold based... Gold shows up very strongly through splash. He also has autosomal red though.

One of the hens looks lavender splash... Very strange.
If she was referring to the splash rooster it is genetically impossible that his father was black. Splash carries two copies of the diluting blue gene and a black parent could not pass on a blue gene. Maybe the father was a dark blue… however it kind of just sounds like she has absolutely no clue about the parentage of the bird.
Indeed. No clue at all. Ugh
To me it does look a lot of leakage.

That's why a lot of of splash Ameraucanas are silver based rather than gold based... Gold shows up very strongly through splash. He also has autosomal red though.

One of the hens looks lavender splash... Very strange.
VERY strange. They look Ameraucana, but...I don't know how to really be sure. I kind of just want to ask for at least a partial refund and put the eggs in my fridge truth be told. If I knew for sure they're just haphazardly bred Ams, I can deal with that. Gahhh!
If she was referring to the splash rooster it is genetically impossible that his father was black. Splash carries two copies of the diluting blue gene and a black parent could not pass on a blue gene. Maybe the father was a dark blue… however it kind of just sounds like she has absolutely no clue about the parentage of the bird.
In trying to figure all of this out, I found this AI generated answer to "Black Ameraucana rooster and Blue Ameraucana Hen produce what offspring". Now, I'm thoroughly confused. Your input is appreciated. What say you?:

Per Google search...
"When breeding a black Ameraucana rooster with a blue Ameraucana hen, you can expect a mix of chicks with primarily "splash" coloration, meaning they will have a combination of black and blue feathers with a mottled appearance, often with white patches; essentially a blend of the black and blue genes, resulting in a "splash" pattern across the offspring.

Key points to remember:
  • "Splash" pattern:
    The blue gene in Ameraucanas is considered incompletely dominant, meaning when combined with black, it produces a "splash" pattern where the color is diluted, creating a mix of black and blue feathers

  • Variation in offspring:
    While most chicks will exhibit the "splash" pattern, some may lean more towards black or blue depending on how the genes are inherited.

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