Any good watering containers?

Where did you order this waterer? Looking for a new waterer and seems like this one will work. How does it have a float valve or how does the water stop from overflowing? Do you have any algae build up or what are the cons to it? I am located in SE Florida so no freezing. Did you mount it in a shaded area or would it be better to build a "mini lean to cover" for it and attach a hose from the top?
I order them off of Amazon. It’s called a little giant automatic poultry fount. It’s not a float it has a valve like a tire valve. It refills as the birds drink it. I ordered a pack of replacement valves as well. They do have some bad reviews online about overflowing but I really think people might not know how to adjust them correctly . It takes some adjusting to get them just right but once you figure it out they work flawless. I’ve had mine for a little over a year and have never had any problems and havent even had to replace the valve yet. You do want it in the shade and it can’t sit on the ground it has to hang to work. It doesn’t get any algae buildup cause it’s not holding much water in. But I dump it out and clean it with my hand let it rinse out and refill usually once a day. Only takes a few seconds that’s it. I love mine! No more filling up waters everyday🤣
I order them off of Amazon. It’s called a little giant automatic poultry fount. It’s not a float it has a valve like a tire valve. It refills as the birds drink it. I ordered a pack of replacement valves as well. They do have some bad reviews online about overflowing but I really think people might not know how to adjust them correctly . It takes some adjusting to get them just right but once you figure it out they work flawless. I’ve had mine for a little over a year and have never had any problems and havent even had to replace the valve yet. You do want it in the shade and it can’t sit on the ground it has to hang to work. It doesn’t get any algae buildup cause it’s not holding much water in. But I dump it out and clean it with my hand let it rinse out and refill usually once a day. Only takes a few seconds that’s it. I love mine! No more filling up waters everyday🤣
What do you mean that it has to hang to work? How do you adjust them to work correctly? What size did you order as I see they come in different pint sizes? I like how the water will not be in a container that is exposed to the sun and no way to release the heat. Do you think well water will affect the valve? I'm currently getting my trailer coop ( ready for the Rhode Island Blue chicks arriving at my feed store in April. Cleaning it out and sanitizing. Replacing the wood awning with metal ones and will post pics as I progress.
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What do you mean that it has to hang to work? How do you adjust them to work correctly? What size did you order as I see they come in different pint sizes? I like how the water will not be in a container that is exposed to the sun and no way to release the heat. Do you think well water will affect the valve? I'm currently getting my trailer coop ( ready for the Rhode Island Blue chicks arriving at my feed store in April. Cleaning it out and sanitizing. Replacing the wood awning with metal ones and will post pics as I progress.
The water has to hang because the weight of the water filling up stops the valve to keep it from overflowing. Some people run theirs straight piped with pvc pipe but I have mine right now just hanging from hose pipe down from top of pen. If you’re going to use a hose you have to purchase a copper fitting that screws into a hose pipe fitting on one end to a 1/2 NTP pipe on other end. Does that make sense? I’m attaching the paper with this and you can also watch YouTube videos on it. And yes I two of the 2 pint ones. Let me know if you have any more questions!


These are the replacement valves

For above freezing temps I make waters out of 5 gallon buckets and nipple waters from rent a coop. In winter I switch to the black rubber bowls, so I can either break the ice or dump the ice and add fresh water .
I have a valve core removal tool for tires, can I use valve cores from the auto part store if so is there a certain one? Should I place this outside the coop in addition to a waterer in side the coop? As the more water the better.
I have 5 gallon buckets all horizontal nipples you can use 2 or 3 gallon buckets also Keep the lids loose or the water will not feed.
You can get them real easy on Amazon.

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