Any Home Bakers Here?

@jnicholes, how do you put yourself "out there"? Where do you go to meet young ladies? You can have a great product, but you still have to market it effectively.

That’s just it. I have no idea where to go. Even when I do find a place, like my churches YSA ward, I notice the same pattern. People stick to their own groups, they don’t want to welcome the new person. I feel isolated when that happens.

I feel like people won’t give me a chance.
That’s just it. I have no idea where to go. Even when I do find a place, like my churches YSA ward, I notice the same pattern. People stick to their own groups, they don’t want to welcome the new person. I feel isolated when that happens.

I feel like people won’t give me a chance.
Are you always the new person? Maybe there are others that are "new" too and are feeling the same as you, and need to be included, greeted, accepted. How about YOU be the greeter? If you're not already part of a group, just jump into one. "Hey, guys, what's going on? Mind if I jump in, I'm Jared." Nobody is going to say, "No, go away!" Just do like you do here. Listen to the conversation and contribute when you can. Ask others about their hobbies and interests. You have so many of them, surely you will find some common interests with somebody. But don't monopolize. Listen as well as talk. You'll do great!
Couple of tres leche cakes I made today for my mother in law's birthday! I love these bad boys, so yummy! One is traditional and the other has a strawberry milk. Both turned out lovely! 😍

This is a recipe for a starter. This is probably one of the easiest to keep alive as I think I managed to maintain mine for over a year as a preteen. Eventually I couldn’t find anyone to give the extras too and everyone in the house was throughly sick of the bread by the time I decided to let it die off.
I remember getting friendship bread once, but I didn't know what to do with it.
Are you always the new person? Maybe there are others that are "new" too and are feeling the same as you, and need to be included, greeted, accepted. How about YOU be the greeter? If you're not already part of a group, just jump into one. "Hey, guys, what's going on? Mind if I jump in, I'm Jared." Nobody is going to say, "No, go away!" Just do like you do here. Listen to the conversation and contribute when you can. Ask others about their hobbies and interests. You have so many of them, surely you will find some common interests with somebody. But don't monopolize. Listen as well as talk. You'll do great!

That’s a good idea. I’ll have to try it sometime.

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