Any Home Bakers Here?

Jared, here's something I learned when I was alone.

My best friend was studying in Russia for 6 months. (This was before email, let alone cell phones and texting, so I got ONE phone call, for 3 minutes. That's all that could be arranged.)

My mom had just died. That left a HUGE hole in my life, and lots of regrets about what I didn't say to her that I should have. It still makes me cry, like right now.

My dad had already passed. I wasn't close to him, and not to my siblings, either. I had some people who cared about me, yet I felt like I was all alone. I had a very hard time making new friends, and didn't have any social life.

I really hit a low point, believe me. I got into therapy, learned about my depression, and that helped, some. What helped the most was looking into myself. Who am I? What do I have to offer to others, and the world? What will my life mean, when it's all said and done?

What if I am single, all my life? Does my life still mean anything?

Of course it does. It means something to me, and therefore, I need to find my own meaning.

You have mentioned your faith. That can be a huge pillar of strength. Lean on that when you need to. You have many interests; pursue them. Take a class, join a group. Volunteer somewhere. Talk to people who are NOT in your age group. You never know who they know, who they might introduce you to. Teach something. Baking, cheese making, shooting, hunting.

There are a LOT of people who care about you, Jared. Count me in that group.

Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.

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