Any Home Bakers Here?

Made cheese spaghetti.
Get a load of the edible shroom I grew!

View attachment 4058539

That’s lions mane.

View attachment 4058540

Next time I’m gonna do things a little bit differently to make sure this doesn’t happen again. Specifically, I might not grow with the Coco coir on top of the substrate. All it does is get embedded inside the mushroom. Very difficult to remove. It’s not advisable to rinse lions mane, because the mushroom itself acts as a sponge.

I’ll make a decision later. This lions mane is currently marinating and I will try it out tomorrow morning.
Use a paint brush to try to get rid of the stuff
I had something unusual happen. This morning, I went out to check on my chickens, and I got one green egg from Taylor. I just went out now, and I found a second green egg.

Either I missed an egg yesterday, or she laid two eggs in one day, which is unlikely.

I must be out of it if I missed an egg.

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