Anyone Setting eggs on 4/10/12??? Want to hatch with me?

Oh golly I have a PIP finally!!!!!

I was starting to think that I wasn't going to have any chicks hatch.

Congrats! That must be super exciting!
I just thought that I would show y'all my incubator station/ wine cabinet.
My dog Jasper can hear peeping. He says its very interesting!! At least I have wine on hand if I get to impatient.

I set mine on the 13th. I have had the first peeps today. but I'm worried that they will have trouble pipping because I can not get the humidity up to the 70%- 80% it ranges from about 55 to 65 is that going to be enough for them? I would like to know if not I will have to help out a little.
I set mine on the 13th. I have had the first peeps today. but I'm worried that they will have trouble pipping because I can not get the humidity up to the 70%- 80% it ranges from about 55 to 65 is that going to be enough for them? I would like to know if not I will have to help out a little.
Well 55-65 is not that bad... but I would bring it up a bit. Are you adding hot water already? Do you have sponges in the incubator? When ever my humidity goes down I use a large syringe (without needle) and drop the water through a vent hole onto the sponge. You could also use a turkey baster. Keep me updated! Sending good hatching vibes your way!!!
I've tried sponges and everything and the humidity still does not really want to go up Ive tried different containers and all at this point im using a spray bottle with hot water in it and spraying it into the vent holes. so far that seems to be working. I just have to do it about every 2 hours or so.
i have one chick out (spent all night listening to it and it decided to hatch while i was at school?) but it has 5 toes... its an americauna/PR mix. i think its a mnutation but it is very cute.... i have two cats loking hungrily at the incubator and lying next to the brooder... they scare me. i also have 3 pippers

told some kids at school.... i was told that they are dinosaurs by a girl my age.... and ive known her for 6 years.... since i got chickens she has been making me want to do this
and this with her ignorance
i have one chick out (spent all night listening to it and it decided to hatch while i was at school?) but it has 5 toes... its an americauna/PR mix. i think its a mnutation but it is very cute.... i have two cats loking hungrily at the incubator and lying next to the brooder... they scare me. i also have 3 pippers

told some kids at school.... i was told that they are dinosaurs by a girl my age.... and ive known her for 6 years.... since i got chickens she has been making me want to do this
and this with her ignorance
Yay Babies!!!
Watch out for those kitties!! I caught one of ours trying to take the lid off the incubator.... that cat gets to spend the summer outside!!

That girl sounds very silly. Hold your head high and ignore her comments if she doesn't want to learn about chickens. Dinosaurs
I have 8 (out of 15 shipped and 10 locked down) and suspect I am done. But, I was so worried that I wouldn't have any that I am thrilled to have 8 adorable German New Hampshires! They are super-cute. I just got home from work, but I may be back with pictures...

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