Are my orpingtons both roosters?

Thanks, Nomadicus! Not the lottery I wanted to win as I'll have to rehome them. They aren't allowed in my municipality 🥺
Are you near central Ohio? I am starting to think I have the opposite problem…………. Supposed “rooster” isn’t looking very manly, and his(?) adopted brother (a Plymouth Barred Rock) has already crowed a few times and is attempting to mount my older hens. If not, I can breed the Plymouth to the Orpington and try to get another rooster from that.
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.

Sorry about the bad luck with those boys. I'm kinda in the same boat. I had a hen hatch out 3 eggs. Three of the cutest stinkin' chicks I've ever had here! All of them are boys.

I purchased three pullet chicks from Tractor SC. for a hen whose eggs were duds or quit. She wouldn't take them so I ended up raising these three pullets. One is a cockerel and I PAID for him!! He has to go with the three bigger boys. Uugh!
Are you near central Ohio? I am starting to think I have the opposite problem…………. Supposed “rooster” isn’t looking very manly, and his(?) adopted brother (a Plymouth Barred Rock) has already crowed a few times and is attempting to mount my older hens. If not, I can breed the Plymouth to the Orpington and try to get another rooster from that.
Unfortunately, I am in SE Wisconsin. 🫤
I think they might be roosters, I hope I am wrong, though! I know Meyer has a sexing guarantee, (which doesn't cover shipping, or the feed and time investment,) but at least they offer something. I think you need to claim that within 22 weeks, though, so just be sure to check on that. (You will see pointy hackle and saddle feathers on them soon to confirm.)

Here is Meyer's form to fill out if they are indeed males.

Welcome to BackYard Chickens!
Most of the hatcheries will give you your money back; but that really doesn't help. I ordered all "females" (11) in my first flock, and ended up with 2 roosters. Before I knew they were roosters, I fell in love with them. I cannot have my roosters with my hens because I have several handicap hens.
I set up an all rooster flock that works very well and I believe my roosters are very happy. They get a lot of attention; and I think they are just awesome. I am sorry your city does not allow you to keep them.
Most of the hatcheries will give you your money back; but that really doesn't help. I ordered all "females" (11) in my first flock, and ended up with 2 roosters. Before I knew they were roosters, I fell in love with them. I cannot have my roosters with my hens because I have several handicap hens.
I set up an all rooster flock that works very well and I believe my roosters are very happy. They get a lot of attention; and I think they are just awesome. I am sorry your city does not allow you to keep them.

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