August 2016 Hatch-A-Long

my game hen, Sis, just weaned her chicks, and went right back to laying, and her sister, Bomber, is off in the brush with Idon't know how many, due to hatch in approximately 3 days. Should be a real good time when she brings her chicks in to introduce them. I hope all goes well. (Insert nervous laughter).
Hey all well after feeling very disheartened on sunday i have checked today and one little silkie of the two remaining eggs has hatched , and the other has pipped ! Looking forward to checking on them tomorrow
I have 2/4 keets and 2/10 D'Uccles externally pipped as of this morning. I think 3 of the chicks may be DIS. Even so, I will be happy with 7/12 shipped eggs. Fingers crossed I get a Blue Mille Fleur!

I have 20 more keets (shipped for new bloodlines and colors) on the 11th,12 of my own keets on the 23rd, 6 Cream Legbar (shipped) on the 18th. I have some Isbars in there but I think they're scrambled. Some blue copper Marans are in the mail to me so those will be my last eggs and then the incubators will retire for a while. Next year I think will try to hatch some sweet grass turkeys, but we'll see.
I have 5 eggs in the incubator due August 19. I have never hatched any eggs before and I've only owned chickens for 6 months but I am really interested to see how these babies will look so I bought an incubator. They will be Isbar x Red laced Polish and I'm using an Incuview incubator.

Here's what I have so far. 1 guinea and 3 chicks to go. The chicks are EP but the keet is taking its time. Considering they are all two days "early" (as expected) I'll just have to be patient.
I've been MIA the past week but love coming back and hearing about all the eggs that have been set and new chicks! :love

My 3 remaining eggs went into lockdown and were due to hatch the 2nd. One chick made an early apperence late the night of the first :celebrate

Meet peeping tom (I'm 99.9% sure it's a little rooster as that's how these things work). Because he's by himself he has grown a bit attached to me. Not to mention the brooder is in my bedroom :oops:

Did I forget to me mention he likes to sleep sprawled out under the heat lamp. First time I saw it I thought the dang thing was dying on me!:he




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