Australorps breed Thread

looks good so far:) will you use hardware wire and walls?
Well this is as far as I got today.
By my exceedingly HUGE sample size of 2 BAs (from Ideal that hatched June 2012), you have a 1 in 2 chance
I bet Kurt has a better handle on the "average" number of broody BAs one might expect.
Make the trip from Cali and I will give you one! Right now I have 5 broody bitxxxx that are driving me crazy in one pen jamming into two double nest boxes. With one cock bird and 8 hens I am getting 2 eggs a day from that pen. I am just about ready to have a broody barbecue!!! I have had maybe one or two a year but never 5 in the same pen all at once.
One of my young girls finally laid an egg in the nesting box yesterday. It may have even been her first egg :). I wasnt home but apparently she made so much noise and that set off all the others that my son went racing out to check they weren't being attacked. Hubby opened the nesting box lid and scared the crap out of her lol
I have 1" hex chicken wire for the run part and I will be building a roof over the whole thing. The coop part is made from 7/16" plywood and something else i cant remember the name of lol. Its a oIutdoor siding material and looks like planks of wood.

I got quite a bit done today but did not get it finished.
A storm ran me in and at this point I think I should have built an ark instead lol.

I did move the chicks out though. I placed the in my bantom coop with my one bantom hen. They are atleast 1/2 her size so i think they will be ok.
I have 1" hex chicken wire for the run part and I will be building a roof over the whole thing. The coop part is made from 7/16" plywood and something else i cant remember the name of lol. Its a oIutdoor siding material and looks like planks of wood.

I got quite a bit done today but did not get it finished.
A storm ran me in and at this point I think I should have built an ark instead lol.

I did move the chicks out though. I placed the in my bantom coop with my one bantom hen. They are atleast 1/2 her size so i think they will be ok.
sounds good.
Do you know which hatchery they use? My two 2015 "Black Australorps" from Meyer have black legs and one still has yellow foot bottoms. That is how I tell them apart so while not "standard" it is kinda helpful. My two 2012 BAs from Ideal have proper foot and leg color. I noticed the Meyer birds have VERY slightly large combs but you have to look at them side by side to see it.
I think Meyers, but not certain. Her feet are definitely yellow though.

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