Baby Chicks 2025 - Chicks are here!


5 Years
Feb 7, 2020
I'm getting my chick order from Mt. Healthy on Monday or Tuesday! I can't wait. The hatch date is tomorrow. I wanted to start a thread to help ID breeds and document their growth.
I bought 17 chicks for myself, and 21 chicks for my neighbor. So 38 total. I'm excited to see if they add any extras and if so what breeds. Also I've been very impressed with Mt. Healthy's customer service, they're probably annoyed with me by now but they've been amazing. They're hopefully banding all breeds for me, and marking cockerels. They also agreed to split up my order and my friend's with a divider in the box so I wouldn't get them mixed up. And changed the shipping address to where we'll be Tuesday so that I don't miss them if they don't arrive on Monday. And when I added 10 chicks onto my neighbor's order when she decided she wanted more. It worked out to ship them where I'll be in Indiana on Tuesday instead of where we're leaving in Ohio late Monday night. I was just stressing about the PO. The place in Indiana is only a little less than two hours from the hatchery so I'm hopeful they arrive ok. The person we're staying with there agreed to pick them up for me if they get there early before we're there. I can't wait to see them! They'll be so cute.
I ordered a lot of different breeds. One of each except for the RIRs, got two of those.
Barred Rock
Black Copper Marans
Splash Laced Red Wyandotte
Buff Orpington
Dark Brahma
Golden Laced Wyandotte
New Hampshire Red hen
New Hampshire Red rooster blue belly
2 Rhode Island Reds
Columbian Rock Cross
Silver Laced Wyandotte
Brown Leg Rooster blue belly mark
Brown Leghorn hen
Black Australorp
Olive Egger
Bielefelder blue belly mark

And I picked these out for my neighbor. It's her first time having chickens. I'll be teaching, haha.

5 Easter Eggers
1 Rhode Island Red
1 Black Australorp
1 dark brahma
1 Buff Orpington
2 Speckled Sussex
2 BLG Wyandotte
2 olive egger
1 new Hampshire red rooster
1 amberlink
1 Buff brahma
1 Buckeye
1 Columbian rock cross (I'm actually keeping this one and giving her one of mine or an extra if there are any)
1 Black Copper Marans

So anyway, I can't wait! I'll be posting lots and lots of pics when they come. We have a 14 hour drive home on Wednesday so I'll have lots of time to hold them and take photos on the way home.
I just got a call from the PO, chicks are there already!!! I'm so excited and happy. I still haven't even gotten an email that they shipped though, lol. I've been checking since last night and checked my spam folder, nothing. But I was ready so it's fine. Just texted our friend to go get them. If I don't hear from him soon I'll call him.
What should I have him do with them once he gets them? They're all marked and divided up but I won't be leaving to go there until morning. We'll probably get to his place around 8 or 9. He has a heat lamp he said he could hang high over the box or something. I know they'd probably be fine but I don't want anything to happen. Should I have him offer water? He's raised chickens before and has one apparently right now. I don't know if he has any feed. I do but not until morning.
Definitely have him put them under the heat lamp in a large box or Rubbermaid bin. If he doesn’t have shavings or puppy pads, paper towels on the bottom will keep them from slipping temporarily until you can get them. Wouldn’t hurt to offer water if he can, but a VERY shallow container (think bottle cap/jar lid if he doesn’t have a chick one). Not sure when they hatched, but if they seem really lethargic scrambled egg will work in a pinch. Switch to chick feed as soon as possible after.
Definitely have him put them under the heat lamp in a large box or Rubbermaid bin. If he doesn’t have shavings or puppy pads, paper towels on the bottom will keep them from slipping temporarily until you can get them. Wouldn’t hurt to offer water if he can, but a VERY shallow container (think bottle cap/jar lid if he doesn’t have a chick one). Not sure when they hatched, but if they seem really lethargic scrambled egg will work in a pinch. Switch to chick feed as soon as possible after.
Thanks! The box is a good idea. They might get mixed up though if he just tosses them all together in a box and they're not marked enough?
He picked them up! These are all the neighbors it looks like. They look good though!

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