Baby Chicks 2025 - Chicks are here!

They are so adorable and fluffy!

Can't wait to see individual pics in the morning. Good ID help pics include face/comb and legs, standing if possible!

Ahhh I have to wait until June!
Thanks! I love them already.
Me too. I'll try to take some good ones.

What breeds do you have ordered in June, and from where?
I have an large order at McMurray for a mix of chicks, including some Polish, Cochin, Sussex, Orpington, Dorking, & Americana, Buttercup, Brahma, Silver Laced Wyandotte & Naked Neck, along with some good layers with Australorp, Plymouth Rocks, Whiting Blue & Green, a Leghorn, and Black & Red Sex Links! It was I’ll try one of these, and two of these, and one of these, and a couple of those 😂. I won’t be keeping all of them…so my son will be helping me choose ours (probably 10-12, but knowing myself maaaybe 13)…before we have our neighbor pick theirs, and sell the rest. We have a large shed/coop that we are replacing a few that have passed over the years, and a smaller coop for a couple of the more docile breeds. 😊 Just recently expanded the fenced area to a new section and hub was outside yesterday and says we can do it again this summer lol. So they’ll have plenty of room during integration!
I have an large order at McMurray for a mix of chicks, including some Polish, Cochin, Sussex, Orpington, Dorking, & Americana, Buttercup, Brahma, Silver Laced Wyandotte & Naked Neck, along with some good layers with Australorp, Plymouth Rocks, Whiting Blue & Green, a Leghorn, and Black & Red Sex Links! It was I’ll try one of these, and two of these, and one of these, and a couple of those 😂. I won’t be keeping all of them…so my son will be helping me choose ours (probably 10-12, but knowing myself maaaybe 13)…before we have our neighbor pick theirs, and sell the rest. We have a large shed/coop that we are replacing a few that have passed over the years, and a smaller coop for a couple of the more docile breeds. 😊 Just recently expanded the fenced area to a new section and hub was outside yesterday and says we can do it again this summer lol. So they’ll have plenty of room during integration!
Oh those are great breeds too, I'm excited for you!!! That's pretty much what I did too 🤣
Mt healthy had less variety, but good enough for me. I can't wait to see photos of yours when they come! Picking is sooo hard. I'm going to change my mind about a dozen times I'm sure. As long as my neighbor gets her 21 and the price stays about the same I don't think she'll mind if I switch some around. The guy said they're pretty much all banded so I'm guessing I'll have a slip saying what everything is. Hopefully. I'll take pics and see what everyone here thinks anyway.
Awesome! I'm trying to figure out my new coop too. I really don't want to spend 3k, but I can't find anything decent for less. I've got lots of temporary pens at least though until I find something. 😅
Oh those are great breeds too, I'm excited for you!!! That's pretty much what I did too 🤣
Mt healthy had less variety, but good enough for me. I can't wait to see photos of yours when they come! Picking is sooo hard. I'm going to change my mind about a dozen times I'm sure. As long as my neighbor gets her 21 and the price stays about the same I don't think she'll mind if I switch some around. The guy said they're pretty much all banded so I'm guessing I'll have a slip saying what everything is. Hopefully. I'll take pics and see what everyone here thinks anyway.
Awesome! I'm trying to figure out my new coop too. I really don't want to spend 3k, but I can't find anything decent for less. I've got lots of temporary pens at least though until I find something. 😅
I have gotten orders from Mt Healthy and they did a great job of marking the chicks for me. So hopefully it will be easy for you to tell them apart. I REALLY wanted a Cochin and a couple Polish this year, and McMurray is one of the few that sexes them, so we went with them. I do think Mt Healthy has a cool selection of colors, much more than other places with lavenders, splashes & blues, and lots of color Marans and Orpingtons!
This might seem a little silly, but seeing you receive your order safe and sound made me much less worried and a lot more excited to get my order from Mt Healthy on Monday! Your chicks are adorable and I'm so happy for you that they arrive happy and healthy! I can't wait to see more pictures.

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