Baikal Teal


10 Years
Jul 12, 2009
I am looking for any info on Baikal Teal, as well as where to get a pair or two... I've read some pretty general stuff so far. Hardy birds, but hard to get to reproduce. Do they breed their first year? etc... Any help would be very appreciated!

They do color out and sometimes will breed the first year if given the right conditions. They are sometimes difficult to get to breed they don't like alot of activity in or around there enclosure. Provide alot of natural cover grasses, small bushes etc and very few if any penmates and they will usually breed fine. Once you get them "happy" and they start to breed they are pretty dependable from year to year as long as there are no changes to there surroundings.
yep x's two on that. IF possible their own private pen goes a long way for that too. I never once had them breed in a community pen. Make the pen so thick you have trouble spotting them and your almost good enough cover wise...
Thanks for the info! I might have to take over the rabbit pen for them! My wife won't be too happy about that...
Is there a breeder that consistently has them for sale? I've noticed a few breeders offer them, but its a crap shoot from year to year and usually ends up not having them...

Baikal teal will breed in a community enclosure. They'll also breed in a very sparsely planted aviary if they are well settled. Some bloodlines do seem better than others though. Finding them for sale isn't terribly hard if you're looking in the right places (not BYC).

Baikal nest in a wide open lawn in a open fronted box.

Baikal nest in a typical ground box.
Where are the "right" places to look? I've had experience with Mallard Lane Farms, and even though Jamie is really nice, it seems like a crap shoot on whether or not they'll have them for sale... Please give me a name or hatchery that produces them dependably or maybe even have some older breeder stock for sale now or soon! I love these little birds and would love to get started with them soon!

Dude it's not that hard. Most if not all might be sold out by now, the best time to find them is in early fall when people are selling young bird hatched from the year. Try and go to the forum, they might not have any right now, they usually sell pretty fast in the fall, but every once in awhile people decide to sell some. Oh and Merry Christmas.
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that's right, they arent all that hard to find at all. The GBWF, or the magazines that specialize in these, the APWS, or the Gazette. Subscribe to either or both and you'll have every breeders name and number in the country who breeds waterfowl at any type of scale. No hatchery will carry stuff like this though. If they do it's out sourced and 4 time the normal price.
That is exactly what I was lookin for, I'm not very computer savy and I'm not subscribed to any bird raiser magazine. I had no idea gbwf had a for sale section... Thanks for the info, that what I was lookin for! Have a Merry Christmas!

I just got another pr to go with a trio I had this week. I will say this though Travis. When you want to buy them check the sites EVERYDAY because they are sold very fast. If you are not quick they're gone. Also try "softbills for sell". Hope you find some.
One of my hens layed 7 eggs last year but alas, none fertile. Unrelated trio. Hopefully this year with five I will get lucky. I have mine in a 8x14 pen with lots of cover kiddie pool for water with a woodduck box and 2 ground boxes, she layed in the ground box. Hope this helps. Shawn

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