Ballerinas!!šŸ©° (and other dancers šŸ˜)

Hereā€™s hopefully another good question, what has changed most for you for dance during quarantine
Ugh...we did zoom dance for a bit. Not continuing our dances that we had been working on for the recital, just doing workouts and combinations. This was annoying on several levels, because:
a) I have no space to properly dance at my house
b) because I have no self discipline, I would totally cheat on all of the workouts by just taking breaks to 'adjust my camera' and stuff like that
c) it was actually hard to set up the camera in a way that the instructor could see you dancing and give notes
d) it got laggy so nobody was in sync with the music/counts
Ugh...we did zoom dance for a bit. Not continuing our dances that we had been working on for the recital, just doing workouts and combinations. This was annoying on several levels, because:
a) I have no space to properly dance at my house
b) because I have no self discipline, I would totally cheat on all of the workouts by just taking breaks to 'adjust my camera' and stuff like that
c) it was actually hard to set up the camera in a way that the instructor could see you dancing and give notes
d) it got laggy so nobody was in sync with the music/counts

My studio did the same thing! We did zoom dance, some people cheated (I was too scared to lose my spot if I cheated). My lighting sucked so I had to try so many different devices to see which worked best. Also, it lagged so hard for everybody online, not a single person had perfect let alone good wifi. But, fortunately enough, one of my teachers did some ā€œresearchā€ and found out we all lagged at the same time, so on her screen we were all together, but werenā€™t with the music. That meant we were most likely all on the music. We just got lucky I guess šŸ˜‚ for recital, we just had a mini virtual recital in every class we learned a dance, and each teacher gave an award to each dancer which was fun :)

@Ihavesomechickens that sucks Iā€™m so sorry. Our studio was lucky enough to figure out a way to social distance in studio, and so Iā€™m back at the studio! It was super hard tofigure out the bathroom situation though, since a lot of us are there the whole day šŸ˜‚
My studio did the same thing! We did zoom dance, some people cheated (I was too scared to lose my spot if I cheated). My lighting sucked so I had to try so many different devices to see which worked best. Also, it lagged so hard for everybody online, not a single person had perfect let alone good wifi. But, fortunately enough, one of my teachers did some ā€œresearchā€ and found out we all lagged at the same time, so on her screen we were all together, but werenā€™t with the music. That meant we were most likely all on the music. We just got lucky I guess šŸ˜‚ for recital, we just had a mini virtual recital in every class we learned a dance, and each teacher gave an award to each dancer which was fun :)

@Ihavesomechickens that sucks Iā€™m so sorry. Our studio was lucky enough to figure out a way to social distance in studio, and so Iā€™m back at the studio! It was super hard tofigure out the bathroom situation though, since a lot of us are there the whole day šŸ˜‚
Dance doesn't run for me over the summer anyway, so they have plenty of time to recuperate (i'm a kid, so a lot of things during the year aren't during the summer) Now I wouldn't cheat on the workouts, but I did a LOT then.
oh sorry can I answer that last question I bi too. wich is funny because I thought that most people on here were strait (bad assumption) I guess I thought that because the LGBTQ chicken keepers thread went south Ihavesomechickens I feel sorry for you I guess I have not run into too much trouble with my sexual orenation because I'm young enough that no one asks I used too dance but not really any more
oh I took ballet and ones I tried circus not big on circus I did enjoy ballet but I stared going to a new "school" ( I'm homeschooled so it was homeschoolschool with is pretty much 12 other homeschoolers meeting up to hang out) and I did not pass by the studio any more so I quit my real passion is taking care of cow and chickens
oh I took ballet and ones I tried circus not big on circus I did enjoy ballet but I stared going to a new "school" ( I'm homeschooled so it was homeschoolschool with is pretty much 12 other homeschoolers meeting up to hang out) and I did not pass by the studio any more so I quit my real passion is taking care of cow and chickens

that's the same thing I did for middle/high school, except I would walk to my studio after haha. that's cool that you took circus! (even if it wasn't your favorite)

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