Bay Area BYCers!

Well the Stockton show is out for me.

My car has been in the shop for 2 days and although everything is fixed, now the computer says it's not and it's runs like crap.

I spend next months rent on getting the work don't but my machanic says the computer is just too touchy and he wants me to have the dealership charge it. Yeah, that isn't gonna happen. Closest one is in Livermore and not only is it too costly I don't wan to attempt driving it over the Altamont, so hopefully I'll be able to come up with something to get it done by March, so I can at least pick up my chicks.

I swear if it isn't one thing it's another.

We will miss you. If someone could come get you would it help??
I hope things get better soon
Laurieks, are you going to the Stockton show? Annaraven is taking my Wellies, and I think she is also going to Stockton, right Anna? Maybe I could send them down with Laurie if she were willing, then I don't have to go to SF a night early... (My plans were changed, so just thinking creatively...) Anna, I will still come down Friday for the hand-off if no one from up here is heading to Stockton and/or you are not going, no worries!

Other possibility, Anna, are you going to be in the Bay this weekend? I could drive down Sat or Sunday afternoon???

Cheryl, your silver penciled plymouth rock pullet is simply dynamite! Good luck at the show!
I'm in Sunnyvale. SunnyDawn is coming by Sunday (I think) to pick up Aubrey and Marlon. If you want to come all the way to Sunnyvale to drop them off, that works for me. Otherwise, I can pick them up at Stockton on the Satyrday. I'm fine with either one. Let me know. I'm looking forward to meeting the Wellies. Do they have names?
Yes and yes of course.

Coming back is another story... I have to coop out at 10:30 & be in Kelseyville for a class at 1:00. At least I can park in the shade, as I'll have my six birds with me. This will keep me from buying any more birds, lol.
Do we have a group 'get together time' for Stockton?
Last year I think it was noon at the BYC table? Come to think of it... do we have a BYC table this year??
Thanks, Laurie. I will PM you and Anna about this swap. Thanks so much!!

Anna, my mother-in-law speaks Dutch, and therefore named the two Dutch Welsummers "Jette" and "Janneke" after characters in a children's book there. Am getting an occasional egg from one, but not sure which! ARGH. (pronounce the "J" like a "Y")

I had planned on being at the sale barn by 6:45 AM... if we're not meeting until noon that's a lot if opportunity for me to fill my car with chooks...

I guess it's a good thing we only have a Civic.
Laurieks, what are you showing?

I just emailed Rob because we had chatted sometime ago about sharing a table, but neither one of us have moved on it, I think

Larry and I are going up Friday to coop in then staying at Wine & Roses
We'll be there bright and early to scope out the sale area on Sat AM and then coop out on Sunday after judging.

I have Indian Rivers eggs hatching today and tomorrow. If someone wants some let me know. We just have to figure out a way to keep them warm.
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