BC Marans,Silver Marans, BBS Orp & BLRW, others..eggs for spring..Pics

The first bird is my silver. It's not an overly fabulous pic but I will try to get some better pics up soon. Thanks for looking

Edited to add: Some of you have asked for chicks. I will not be selling chicks at this time but maybe sometime in the future. If I do, I will be sure to post it
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I almost forgot! I also will have some rare
Penciled Palm Turkeys! I got my birds from Mr. Porter in Illinois and they are beautiful. Still quite young but will be ready for 2009 to start laying. They are way prettier than the Royal Palms as far as I am concearned.
You can see what they look like on feathersite. Check it out!
I got them from a a local who had too many birds in her back yard flock of BBS and BLRW's. She only had a certain amount of room and needed to downsize. Lucky for me

By the way, DutchChick, congrats on your split pairs! Way to go!!
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I'm going to try and put some updated pics on this thread tomorrow so you can see how the birds are progressing. I am anxiously awaiting spring!

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