Hello Everyone!
Soon to be first time chicken owners. Looking for breed suggestions.
#1 must be cuddly, friendly and enjoy being held - we want a friendly bird who can eventually show 4h.
#2 heat tolerance of leghorn and Egyptian fayaoumi
#3 Quiet- we live in the suburbs
#4 egg layer
#5- landrace or heritage breed or on livestock conservancy list is preferred - looking for hardy disease resistant breeds
We have been considering - minorca, white face black spanish, catalana, australorp, Java, campine, basque hen, anacana, and white true blue.
We will only have 2 hens at this time.
Of the breeds I mentioned, please let me know what would meet our criteria the best and which hatchery is recommended.
Thank you everyone so much!
Ps- what is this breed in the photo? A friend's but doesn't know the breed
Soon to be first time chicken owners. Looking for breed suggestions.
#1 must be cuddly, friendly and enjoy being held - we want a friendly bird who can eventually show 4h.
#2 heat tolerance of leghorn and Egyptian fayaoumi
#3 Quiet- we live in the suburbs
#4 egg layer
#5- landrace or heritage breed or on livestock conservancy list is preferred - looking for hardy disease resistant breeds
We have been considering - minorca, white face black spanish, catalana, australorp, Java, campine, basque hen, anacana, and white true blue.
We will only have 2 hens at this time.
Of the breeds I mentioned, please let me know what would meet our criteria the best and which hatchery is recommended.
Thank you everyone so much!
Ps- what is this breed in the photo? A friend's but doesn't know the breed