Breeding for specific traits?

It's actually used for both.

Here is yet another link on auto-sexing:
"Punnett hypothesized that the gene for barred color patterns acted differently in male and female chicks. The males received two barred genes and the females only one, so male chicks would be lighter in color and more barred than the females. He experimented and found that by crossing brown colored males with barred silver females (he favored the Plymouth Rock to supply the barring gene), the effect was accentuated, and chicks could be easily visually sexed by their color and down patterns on the day they hatched. Females tended to have clearly defined “chipmunk stripes” on their backs and males tended to have a silver sheen on their down with a light spot on the backs of their heads.

As his first “proof of concept” experiment, Punnett was able to cross a Campine rooster with a barred Plymouth Rock hen and produce a chick that was visually sexable immediately after hatching. Male chicks had the telltale white spot behind their heads and female chicks had well-defined stripes in the down on their backs. These powerful visual cues for the first time in history made sexing chicks a simple task. Punnett’s new creation, dubbed the Cambar, was shown for the first time at the 1930 World’s Poultry Congress at the Crystal Palace in London. The Cambar was the first intentionally created auto-sexing breed of chicken. It was nothing less than revolutionary."
That's where I ordered my chicks from, I love how much effort and time theyve put into their chickens and how much info they have on their site.
You can have both Autosexing Barring and Laced genes on the same breed, Here is the link for the Wybar project, which is a project to recreate the Wybars in Silver and Gold, you may want to get a hold of a Gold Wybar pair and introduce the Lavender gene, but lavender will dilute alot of the chick's down and will make it harder to autosex

Lavender Cuckoo Ameraucana chicks

You can have both Autosexing Barring and Laced genes on the same breed, Here is the link for the Wybar project, which is a project to recreate the Wybars in Silver and Gold, you may want to get a hold of a Gold Wybar pair and introduce the Lavender gene, but lavender will dilute alot of the chick's down and will make it harder to autosex

Lavender Cuckoo Ameraucana chicks

That's really helpful, thanks :). I wish I had more land, then I could go all out, but trying to keep it small for now because I live in the city
We all wish that...
ain't that the truth. Seriously though according to city laws I can only have 6 on my property outside and no roos (my neighbor's don't care though, they think my chickens are cool and I promised them fresh eggs weekly), so every 6mo I plan to take stock of my best looking+best laying and butcher the rest. At any one time I'll have two roos, one cream crested legbar, one lavender. My roos will be kept inside my house as pets so as to not bother my neighbor's with their crows (legally I can have "exotic" birds in my home) and will only interact with the hens for breeding purposes to ensure I know exactly what hen was with what rooster and gave what traits. So hopefully I'll have a lot of fresh chicken meat with a fairly constant supply because I'll have my main hens in the coop/run I'm building and I have and additional coop/run for growing out my breeding results of which I'll only be keeping 6 at a time and selling the rest to my local farm supply store, of those 6 I'll only keep the best of what I'm looking for so maybe 1-3. I'm working on a schedule to ensure I always have laying hens and butcher birds going at the same time.

I haven't breed any laced varieties, but I was thinking that the eb e-loci was usually used for those color patterns and that the lacing isn't very clear on on other primary color patterns. Is that correct or am I confusing that with something else?

What e-loci is the Wybar based on? eb or e+? What you you thoughts on auto-sexing on non-e+ primary patterns.

How is the autosomal barring related to lacing. Don't they both use the pattern gene with different modifiers? The reason I ask is that Autosexign was discovered in the 1920's when Cambridge University was creating the Cambar. The goal of that project was to supper impose sex-linked barring on top of autosomal barring to see if it would make the barring more distinct. The result was auto-sexing chicks. I am guessing that since the two type of barring are created compeletly different that they didn't get more distinct barring. I never read anything from that project except that autosexing was discovered though. Is the Cambar built on e+ or eb?

Thanks in advance for your knowledge on genetics. There are very few people that understand the genetics like you do.

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