Those look a lot like the eggs from the “Olive Eggers” that I made many years ago using Cream Legbar and Black-Copper Marans. The F1 cross makes a fantastic dark olive green egg. If you wanted to make a breed that consistently laid Olive Green eggs the easiest way would be to start with a line of very dark Black-Copper Marans and introduce the blue egg gene. The F1s would be great but once you go to F2 you’d lose a lot of those dark egg genes. All you’d have to do is keep backcrossing to Marans and only hatch the darkest green eggs and after several generations you’d get back to having all those dark brown egg genes. Then you’d need to inbreed you’d potential olive-egg birds to try and get the blue egg gene homozygous in a few birds. You could either test breed those birds or get them genetically tested (cheaper than you’d think and available in the US) to find birds that were homozygous for the blue egg gene. Then of course only use those birds in your breeding flock.