BYM Hatching Derby - Hatch-Along

I got some while we were in town. I had a smaller hatch Thursday evening and lost track of who was who by the 10th chick or so. And two of the first three looked almost identical but had two completely different sets of parents!

Just learned today that Ameraucana cheeks are genetically dominant. All the fluffy faced birds are together and vice-versa. They did that, not me. I wanted Struggles and Cluckrista to be with Montgomery and they refused.

Good luck on your hatch!
Thank you! I'm hoping I can keep the little fluffs identified correctly. I have little leg bands that some will be getting as they move to the brooder.

Ooh, I have learned recently that the blue egg gene is tied to the pea comb gene in Ameraucanas, so most likely any mix breed chick that has the pea comb will also have the blue egg gene.

I always find it interesting how animals with unique traits typically stick together.
So I candled for viability and removed 7; two Struggles, two Marble, one Marylin, and two Struggles, but I think there were a few more. I don't think this incubator heats evenly as it didn't look like the eggs on the sides were as developed as the ones in the middle. I like my 26-ct round one better. Left some OEs that probably quit or didn't start but since they're so hard to see inside I'm going to wait until day 10 or so to pull them out.
So I candled for viability and removed 7; two Struggles, two Marble, one Marylin, and two Struggles, but I think there were a few more. I don't think this incubator heats evenly as it didn't look like the eggs on the sides were as developed as the ones in the middle. I like my 26-ct round one better. Left some OEs that probably quit or didn't start but since they're so hard to see inside I'm going to wait until day 10 or so to pull them out.
Inconsistent incubators are the pits. I had over half of what I set not even start developing, young pullets and cockerels plus not a great time of the year, I set mine late January, 2 weeks after a major cold snap.

I have one dark shelled EE egg still in the incubator, I can't see into it so I've been letting it stay in. Hatch date is next Saturday! We still have 32 eggs going 😁
Inconsistent incubators are the pits. I had over half of what I set not even start developing, young pullets and cockerels plus not a great time of the year, I set mine late January, 2 weeks after a major cold snap.

I have one dark shelled EE egg still in the incubator, I can't see into it so I've been letting it stay in. Hatch date is next Saturday! We still have 32 eggs going 😁
Mine are young parents, too. I just had 25 out of 26 hatch, though, so I know my boys are doing their job. I turned the thermostat up some. I think I like to incubate a little on the low side. I'd rather they hatch a day late than get scrambled.

I just refilled my small incubator with dowsed eggs.
Kinda been avoiding candling since finding the incubator at 95° a few days ago. Even now, it's set as high as it will go and the secondary thermometer says 99°. Aside from maaaaybe using it to squeeze in another 26-egg hatch before an Easter event, this might be the last time I use this one.

On the bright side, the pigs are going to be very happy at breakfast tomorrow!
Inconsistent incubators are the pits. I had over half of what I set not even start developing, young pullets and cockerels plus not a great time of the year, I set mine late January, 2 weeks after a major cold snap.

I have one dark shelled EE egg still in the incubator, I can't see into it so I've been letting it stay in. Hatch date is next Saturday! We still have 32 eggs going 😁
How did they do at hatch?
How did they do at hatch?
They did well! Two that were questionable at lockdown had quit, but everyone else did good. My dark EE egg pipped, I was so shocked! It is a gorgeous paint chick! In the hatch-a-long it was named Green Bean 🤣


This is it's sibling, same paint rooster but with a Barred Rock, Rhode Island Red, or Black australorp hen.

I have so many silkies now!
Oh they're so cute! It looks muffed? Dark olive eggs can be quite suspenseful! Takes a really strong light and a good seal to see anything.
Yes muffs and they should be bearded 🥰 All of my EEs except 1 have muffs and beards, and the satin roo does too.

I think you requested a Chonkers photo? :lau He's the roo over those layer hens, he's a satin, not exactly proper conformation, but I think he's adorable!

Oh goodness, he is Hats and Boots and Scarf and I love him!
His coloring makes me think of what Struggles and Montgomery might produce if Well, Sir ends up requiring the use of seasoning and steam pressure to make him into a good boy.

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