
Hi everyone. We live in Ramona just outside of San Diego. We only have one chicken. A Serama named Angel. She lives indoors with us and is my 8 yo's companion. We had tried for an outside coop but landlord said no. Oddly enough though I am allowed goats! Go figure. lol. So for now out chicken count is low but someday.... :) Anyone else that lives in Ramona?

I like your avatar picture and would love to see it enlarged.

You have lots of company in Ramona and there is a hugh show there June2 . Actually two, one is BYC and the other is a national Serama show. Look under meet-ups because it has its own thread
Hi everyone. We live in Ramona just outside of San Diego.  We only have one chicken.  A Serama named Angel.  She lives indoors with us and is my 8 yo's companion.  We had tried for an outside coop but landlord said no. Oddly enough though I am allowed goats! Go figure. lol.  So for now out chicken count is low but someday....  :)  Anyone else that lives in Ramona?

:welcome from froggies Roost in San Gabriel Valley. If you can please come to the serama show / meet-up at Collier Park on June 2nd. The more the werrier AND we can get you a girlfriend for Angel too!

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