
Hi! Yes that would be great! I am looking for smooth...not particular about color...I just LOVE the breed

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I'm thinking about switching to organic layer feed. any suggestions? my current feed store carries organic pride by purina for $33/50#. I am in Orange County.
I'm thinking about switching to organic layer feed. any suggestions? my current feed store carries organic pride by purina for $33/50#. I am in Orange County.

Not sure where you are in OC, but Kruse's in La Habra (North county) does carry organic layer feed. They stock Scratch and Peck and Modesto Mills. Good service, friendly staff.
From the desk located somewhere on the Ranch;
Wow, it's hard to believe the first meet up of the year is only 3 weeks away. Time sure flies when you're shoveling poo... Anywho, I thought it might be a good time to start a final list of whatcha got to sell, whatcha looking for, whatcha need or don't want. Please remember, if you have made arrangements with someone for your stuff, please update your post so we can clean out unneeded posts. In addition, those of you who are bringing stuff for the raffle, please PM me. I think someone is also doing a silent auction, so if you would like to silent auction something you may do so...and I guess we can't talk about... I look forward to seeing what you people are bringing and I hope those of you who are looking, can find it here. Hope to see everyone on March 28th, remember to invite your friends, I want to see 1500 people there...

If you're on FB there is the main list in the event thread.. I will do my best to share the BYC list with the FB list and vice versa (whatever that is)

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