
Thanks for the offer but I just want females. AND, peachick is going to sell me some hatching eggs so I decided to hatch just so I can get her very blue laying birds. I also ordered her silkies, exchequer leghorns and solid blue coppers. I will post any extras after the hatch in case anyone is interested since I only want a couple of females of each kind...
I'm in Paso Robles hope you enjoy coming to this board as much as I do what kind of chicks do you have?
Hi Californians! I'm in So Cal as well- San Diego... anyone else 'round these parts?

Oh and I have a question for us West Coasters...

I found the most perfectest roo for my flock!!!!

But he is in Eugene Oregon, and I am in San Diego...

Is anyone headed this way or that that could give the little guy a ride???
I posted my 5 w black copper marans cockerals in the auction section. I'm trying to find good homes for them with someone who can pick them up in Encino, CA. If anyone is interested, please let me know. They're beauties.

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