
Thanks for the advice froggi... I will try that. Yesterday one of my barred rocks grabbed one of the calicos and I ended up throwing an orange at the BR to let go of the calico. And, this happened under my supervision, :-(

Alice... beautiful eggs, and I wish I had an incubator to hatch some.
Stole my post from this thread......... Southern California Chicken Swap Anyone????????I am SO happy to see interest! Here is what I would like to do. If you are interested please give me good day/date for you. I have quite the list going of members in this area. I will PM them to let them know about this. Once we get that concrete date..I will set up the permit business w/ Riverside parks&rec. I will then place ads in IE & LA Craigslist advertising this event. It is a great time to buy/sell as spring is a comin! There are alot of people w/ birds to sell or want to buy. AND we just might get more members cuz chickens ROCK!
You are more than welcome. I have 2 right now that have to be introduced to the crew. One I am starting to introduce and the other just sits next to the run. Both have handicaps so I have to be ULRTA careful with them. So far the one is doing great with my roo and 2 seramas. [All my birds are bantam size] Those 3 I bring in the house at night, as my roo has a chronic bronchitis type problem with the chilly night air...[I hope he out grows this]. I have done all the medicine rounds and still, when the chill creeps in the air it comes back.....
I can't find if I replied to this thread or not. I'm in Frazier Park, CA and currently picking up my first three girls from a farm in Norco. We have our coop ready and we're just waiting to get the chickens on Sunday. I purchased some food supplies today from our local store but now I need to research them a bit. I'd love if there was a meetup as I'm new and I'd love more imput!
The San Diego meet up is planning theirs and the High Desert area is alos in the process. Both have a thread in the meet up section.
Wow, nice, I'm in the same place. Lol do you have issues with neighbors and their free range chickens getting in your yard too?
i asked my friend that promotes the pet expo, aquarium and pond expo, and marine aquarium expo, and he said that it would be a mission to throw a show in LA or OC because of the municipal codes are against us...

but i guess if it's an hour and a half drive, it's really not that bad...

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