Can ducks eat shrimps and small fish?


5 Years
Jun 5, 2014
Hi I live by the sea and I wondered if I could go and catch some shrimps and other small fish? Could I put them in there pond to eat?

I don't know about shrimp either but I know people that feed their ducks minnows they get from bait stores. The ducks love them.
While I can't imagine a small amount would hurt (people feed kelp meal to ducks as a supplement), I'd worry about the amount of salt and iodine. That's just me though. I can't find any information on how much iodine is too much for a duck.
Too much salt is a bad thing, but if the shrimp are put in the pond the freshwater should clean them out a bit.
Hi I am Michael and I have two twin Muscovy Drakes I have been feeding them cooked shrimp small pieces of course a couple times a week as a treat, and they adore it. When they see me approaching on shrimp days they start a dance that is so cute. So yes you can feed shrimps to your pet ducks Thank you

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