My grandma has a hen that has chronic poopy butt that stinks bad.
She is a red sex link about 3 1/2 years old, slightly under weight, but not super bad.
She acts normal most of the time, did have a day or so of acting lethargic and slow.
Been going on for 3-4 weeks now.
No other birds have symptoms. No injuries except some bleeding around vent when we clean the poop off. Drinking normal, has backed off on food some.
Poop stinks really bad, after cleaned she usually poops out super runny greenish, very smelly poop. The poop stuck to her looks somewhat normal for being stuck to her.
We have tried vitamins, electrolytes, avc, probiotics, worming, separating her to see if she was being kicked off food. Cleaning every other day or so. Softening her food, scrambled eggs. Antifungal on her vent. We’ve trimmed her feathers a bit and put Vaseline on her bum to hopefully help the poop not stick. Would like to do what we can at home, but willing to take to vet if no at home solution can be found.
My grandma has a hen that has chronic poopy butt that stinks bad.
She is a red sex link about 3 1/2 years old, slightly under weight, but not super bad.
She acts normal most of the time, did have a day or so of acting lethargic and slow.
Been going on for 3-4 weeks now.
No other birds have symptoms. No injuries except some bleeding around vent when we clean the poop off. Drinking normal, has backed off on food some.
Poop stinks really bad, after cleaned she usually poops out super runny greenish, very smelly poop. The poop stuck to her looks somewhat normal for being stuck to her.
We have tried vitamins, electrolytes, avc, probiotics, worming, separating her to see if she was being kicked off food. Cleaning every other day or so. Softening her food, scrambled eggs. Antifungal on her vent. We’ve trimmed her feathers a bit and put Vaseline on her bum to hopefully help the poop not stick. Would like to do what we can at home, but willing to take to vet if no at home solution can be found.